Congresswoman Kristi Noem’s Weekly Column: Innovation over Regulation

Innovation over Regulation
By Rep. Kristi Noem

Just when many of us were starting to feel the relief of lower gas prices, President Obama put forward a plan to increase the price at the pump by about 25 cents per gallon. Obviously, he does not recognize that many people are just trying to keep their heads above water financially. Why hike costs when people are finally getting some room to breathe? 

Earlier this month, President Obama put forward his final budget proposal. Included in it was a $10.25 tax on every barrel of oil.’s Patrick DeHaan reacted saying, “This proposal would trickle down and be a $10 per barrel tax on motorists – or 20 to 25 cents per gallon on refined fuels…. It will likely be completely passed to consumers in the years ahead.” The White House confirmed DeHaan’s assessment, saying: “We recognize that oil companies would likely pass on some of the costs.”

Why would the President offer up such a hard-hitting tax? To support his environmental agenda.

Time and again, this administration has put its anti-energy agenda above your financial security. He rejected the Keystone XL Pipeline, which would have offered much-needed revenue for cash-strapped South Dakota counties. He also announced a rule last month that would stop coal production on federal land as well as one that would make it more difficult for companies to produce oil and natural gas on federal land.

Perhaps the most concerning was the administration’s greenhouse gas proposal, which the President admitted would “necessarily skyrocket” energy costs for families. By that he meant electricity costs could increase by as much as $17 billion nationwide and put a quarter-million people out of a job every year, by some estimates. In South Dakota, power providers have already said wholesale electricity rates could increase by 40 percent, if changes aren’t made to the President’s plan. Already, families in our state earning less than $50,000 per year spend one-fifth of their after-tax income on energy costs, which is double the national average. Many can’t afford to pay even more.

Fortunately, the Supreme Court blocked the administration’s greenhouse gas proposal earlier this month – temporarily, at least. As the judicial system is doing its job, I’ve been working in Congress to stop the President’s proposal as well. More specifically, we’ve passed legislation to stop it, although the President chose to veto it. I also cosponsored legislation, which has already passed the House, requiring bureaucrats to institute regulations based on sound data and at the lowest possible cost to taxpayers. It seems like commonsense – or something that should be happening already – but it isn’t, so I’d like to write that requirement into law.

We all want to preserve our environment for future generations, and in a place like South Dakota where we largely make our living off the land, that is especially true. But that preservation should be done through innovation, not regulation. I’ve fought hard to make it easier to invest, produce, and build smarter technologies in America, but President Obama has opted for Washington bureaucracy instead of American ingenuity.


Governor Daugaard’s Weekly Column: Strengthening The South Dakota Retirement System

Strengthening The South Dakota Retirement System
A column by Gov. Dennis Daugaard:

Over the last several years, various states have been considering pension reform to address funding shortfalls. Some have looked at increasing employee contributions. Others have considered raising their retirement age or lowering benefits. Pennsylvania is now attempting to deal with $50 billion in unfunded pension obligations and a funded status of only 60 percent. Their plan is to make cuts that will affect current workers’ retirement benefits.

According to the Milliman Public Pension Funding Study, which evaluates the largest 100 pension funds in the nation, some plans are faring even worse than Pennsylvania’s – Indiana Teachers at 50 percent funded, Chicago Municipal Employees Pension at 42 percent, Connecticut State Employees at 41 percent, Illinois State Employees at 37 percent and, worst of all, the Kentucky Employees Retirement Fund at 25 percent. 

South Dakota is among the states considering pension reform this year, but unlike other governments, we aren’t experiencing a crisis. In fact, South Dakota’s Retirement System is consistently among the best-funded retirement systems in the nation. We measure our funded status at the end of each fiscal year. As of June 30, the South Dakota Retirement System was 104 percent funded.

Virtually all government employees in South Dakota fall under the South Dakota Retirement System. This includes all public school teachers in our state, all public university professors and employees, all state employees, and many county and city employees – all under the S.D. Retirement System. Third grade teachers in Canton, snowplow drivers in Mobridge, social workers in Winner, university professors in Madison, police officers and firefighters in Rapid City – all in the one plan. 

At its December board meeting, the SDRS Board of Trustees unanimously approved a new retirement design for new public employees who begin work after June 30, 2017. The new design accommodates longer life expectancies, adds variable hybrid benefits and eliminates inequitable subsidies. Those who fall under the new design will not be subsidizing members of the current design. Both designs will be self-sustaining.

Unlike reforms in other states, this change will not affect current employees – not now, and not when current employees retire. It will not impact those who are already retired. And this change will not require additional contributions from employees or employers. The Board’s recommendation is under consideration by the Legislature this session. 

I am proud of how we have responsibly managed the South Dakota Retirement System. Thanks to the conservative management of the Retirement System Board of Trustees, the outstanding performance of the SD Investment Council, and the cooperation and support of all stakeholders, our pension plan is sound.

I am equally proud that we are considering reforms now, when we are in a position of strength. South Dakota is not waiting for a crisis to tackle this issue. We’re taking this on now so the benefits of our future teachers, social workers and firefighters remain secure. South Dakotans act with responsibility and with foresight. As some would say, “It’s how we roll.”


Noem Statement on Passing of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia

Noem Statement on Passing of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Representative Kristi Noem today issued the following statement after the sudden passing of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia:

“Today, we lost a great defender of our Constitution – a man whose admirable faith and unyielding candor left a lasting impact on our nation. There are never quite the right words to express during times like this. Bryon and I extend our deepest sympathies to Justice Scalia’s wife and children. While our nation has lost a great legal mind and an unwavering defender of our Constitution, they have lost a father and a husband. Our prayers are with them.”

Thune Statement on the Passing of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia

Thune Statement on the Passing of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia

WASHINGTON — U.S. Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) issued the following statement regarding the passing of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia who was scheduled to speak in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, next month: 

“Today we learned the sad news of Justice Scalia’s passing. With his sudden death, our nation lost a stalwart for conservatives and a brilliant constitutional scholar. He was a legal giant who devoted his career to serving our country and his life to serving the Lord. It’s hard to imagine the Supreme Court without his sound legal judgment and remarkable wit. Kimberley and I offer our deepest condolences to his family. You’re in our thoughts and prayers.” 



Rep. Deutsch in for ….State Senate

Here’s some hot news for you political junkies.

At a Cracker Barrel this morning, Republican State Representative Fred Deutsch announced that he is not going to be running for State House of Representatives.

He is however, going to throw his hat in the ring for the office of State Senate for his district, with that office being vacated by Democrat State Senator Jim Peterson.

Stay tuned. The wild ride is getting more fun!

Democrats – Tornberg has no plan, and down to the “no one else” guy.

The Democrat-insider ran “Drinking Liberally Sioux Falls” blog makes note of what we’ve been hearing for a while. That Dems are down to “the no one else guy” and that Ann Tornberg may very well be the worst chairman ever. 

In Political News: Word on the street has it that Jay Williams, the Yankton County Democratic Chair, will announce that he will challenge John Thune for John’s US Senate seat this year. His announcement could come as early as next week. The South Dakota Democratic Party has been struggling to find someone to run against Thune and his $11 million dollar bankroll. Jay indicated some time ago he would do it if no one else would. It looks like the Democratic Party is down to “no one else”.

And, Democratic registration in South Dakota fell again in January to a new low of 167,064. Democratic registration has declined in 13 of the last 14 months, the only exception being a 14 voter gain last July. In total, Democratic registration has dropped by 8,900 voters since Ann Tornberg’s election as State Democratic Chair in December 2014. Despite promises, we still have not heard of any plan from Ann about a voter registration drive to reverse this trend. She is probably too busy being a pretend legislator in Pierre.

I need a Drink.

Read it here.

A woman knows the face of the man she loves as a sailor knows the open sea. (Honore de Balzac)

Heidi Cruz:  “We are at a cultural crossroads in our country, and if we can be in this race to show this country the face of the God that we serve — this Christian God that we serve is the foundation of our country, our country was built on Judeo-Christian values, we are a nation of freedom of religion, but the God of Christianity is the God of freedom, of individual liberty, of choice and of consequence.”

Mrs. Ted Cruz before St. Valentine’s Day.

I want to make it clear that I believe Heidi Cruz’ quote about “the face of God” has been misinterpreted and actually accurately reflects the universal call of all Christians to image or mirror God the Father and God the Son to the world.  I do think it is a bit awkward though.

Secondly, a spouse who doesn’t see in the other the face of God likely has married the wrong person or isn’t looking at the other with the eyes one is called to do.

Third, a couple should see their marriage/family as an outward expression of the Trinity, united in Love.

Personally, as we close in on St. Valentine’s Day, I found her statement read in context is quite beautiful.

That said and to just add some levity (not intended to be at Mrs. Cruz’ expense but at the expense of the misinterpretation), when I first saw the headline and way it was presented in the first article I saw which put her husband, his campaign and the face of God in the same sentence, my reaction was:

“Hmmmm.  Didn’t God show up to Moses as a (B)ush?  Aren’t we to aspire to have His face “Trump” our face?”

Have a great weekend.

PS:  The Clinton Campaign has to be in “puke mode” as the recently released Nevada poll shows a dead heat (She was up 23% in the last poll).  AT&T might crash with all the calls to the Vice President.  

SD GOP hires new Executive Director 


GOP Announces New Executive Director

The Republican Party of South Dakota announced today that Ryan Budmayr has been selected as its new Executive Director. He currently serves as Director of Business Development for Lemonly, a visual design agency in Sioux Falls. Budmayr will assume his new duties on March 1.

“Ryan brings a wealth of campaign and legislative experience to the job and we are proud to welcome him to our team,” said SD GOP Chair Pam Roberts. “This is a critical time for our nation, our state, and our party, and I know Ryan is ready to hit the ground running and help our grassroots volunteers build upon our strong majorities in this year’s elections.”

“I’m excited for this opportunity” Budmayr added. “South Dakota has some of the best conservative leadership in the country and it’s truly a privilege to join this team. I look forward to building our membership and continuing the party’s tradition of electing Republican candidates in every corner of the state.”

In 2010, Budmayr served as West River Director on the Daugaard for Governor Campaign. He served in the Office of Governor Daugaard and as a Business Development Representative and Director of International Trade in the Governor’s Office of Economic Development until 2014.

Budmayr is a Belle Fourche native. He attended the University of South Dakota, majoring in Political Science and serving as Student Body President and Chair of the South Dakota College Republicans.

Can you identify this Democrat? He’s probably going to be your candidate for US Senate.

Can you identify this Democrat?  I’m guessing 99% of people in South Dakota would not be able to. And that represents an unclimbable hill for the Democrat Party in 2016.  If you see this gentleman, you probably should avoid him, as it looks as if he might just be the sacrificial lamb for Democrats in the 2016 US Senate Race.

(From Jay Williams facebook, dated 2-11-2010)

The word on the street is that Democrats in Pierre are telling people that Jay Williams of Yankton is likely to make an announcement in coming days for U.S. Senate as the party’s candidate for the Senate Seat currently held by Senator John Thune.

I’ve been hearing for months now that Williams, Chairman of the Yankton County Democrat Party, had allegedly been telling Democrat muckety-mucks something to the effect that if they were desperate and couldn’t find a candidate, they could put his name on the ballot.

And the word this week is that it’s more than likely that it’s going to happen. From continued reports at the state and national level about their lack of someone to run, Democrat Chairwoman Ann Tornberg may have gone ahead and decided to push the panic button, and call in the “if no one else will do it” candidate.

According to records and news reports, Williams apparently served a term or so as a member of the Yankton School Board in between losing races for the South Dakota House of Representatives in both 2010 and 2014. In those races, Williams came in 4th out of 4 candidates in 2010, and 4th out of 4 again in 2014.

If Williams enters the race, this would mark him as the second statewide candidate in 2016 to have previously underwhelmed voters in his last run for office. Paula Hawks owns that “underwhelming” distinction as well, only winning by 8 votes in the 2014 general election for District 9 State Representative.

Running candidates who have either lost legislative office, or barely squeaked by is symptomatic of Democrat’s dismal performances at the ballot box in recent years, as well as their lack of party building activities. With no bench to speak of, they’re forced to comb through old lists, and put marginal candidates up for office who would normally not be considered to lead the ticket.