15 thoughts on “Congratulations to State Representative Fred Deutsch – the new president of SDRTL”

  1. Rino Fred? He stood by and assisted Gosch and the Democrats in gutting Rep Latteral’s prolife bill this last session! #WTH

  2. Congratulations, Fred! So, how is the dismemberment abortion ban going in Kansas? I commend Rep. Latteral’s strong commitment to life, but there were so many things wrong with that bill that it needed to just go away. For starters, it did not actually ban dismemberment abortions to begin with. Latteral did not catch this obvious error among others because he does not vet his bills and was too busy and interested in making the connection to ISIS beheadings hence the “beheading ban bill.” Don’t worry. Abortionists prefer to rip the child apart one limb at a time anyways. The idea that a beheading ban would prevent dismemberment abortions shows one’s unwillingness to understand the very problem they seek to remedy. Meanwhile, Latteral was so busy showboating this insane bill to realize his Down Syndrome counseling bill was going down in flames even though we likely had the committee votes if he were willing to get his act together. If he brings something that silly again this session, we might just stand back and let him own it. He can explain to the AG’s office how they are going to defend it in court and work on the futility of defending one of his poorly-written bills in court while we go on with the business of saving lives. At least it will keep him busy.

    1. thanks for that. nearly every time conservatives go off in a huff because the establishment republicans deserted them on one of their key bills, you can bet the bill is badly written.

  3. Congrats Fred;

    I don’t envy your position.

    It is going to take more than just laws on the books to end abortion; it is going to take fundamental change in society. Something that makes abortion totally repugnant. That is going to be a tough, I think Fred is up to the challenge

    Good luck.

    1. i always think the chief thing is this: in a rather conservative mostly republican state, abortion ban bills keep failing because of residents’ attitudes toward privacy and discretion – while they personally won’t engage in abortion, they won’t take the position of imposing their preference on what they might believe is a complex personal and private decision. there are incremental ways to move forward when hail mary passes keep failing.

      1. You’re right.
        Getting there is going to be slow process, taking several years and legislative sessions.
        The Right to Life and other groups are going to have to work in concert with the laws.
        I honestly hope Fred is up to the challenge

  4. Yes, laws can only do so much. That is why SDRTL invests heavily in local chapters that do the real work in saving lives and changing hearts and minds.

  5. Enquirer and Spencer,
    You two do realize the legislative process is where you perfect the bill? Did either of you offer amendments to fix the supposed errors in the bill? RINOS claim such bills are imperfect (in an imperfect world) to cover their votes.

    Legislate away every damn loophole to stop these murders of these babies and grow a pair. Kudos to Rep Latterel for trying to fight the good fight instead of waiving the blood stained white cloth of surrender!

    1. Yes, you fix imperfect bills in committee or on the floor the best that you can. You do not push through bills that are destined to be enjoined and will save no lives. We work to chip away Roe and Doe in every session. It must be done smartly since any legislation dealing with abortion is invariably going to be controversial and a target for litigation. Giving pro-abortionists an easy win against us at our expense is not a good strategy for ultimate victory and does not save any lives in the short or long term.

      1. Can we all get access to your crystal (liberal) ball, Spencer?

        You don’t win a battle by retreating. Grow a pair and support real pro-lifers like Isaac and oppose abortion. If we relied upon milk toasts like you, blacks would still be slaves

  6. First of all, Fred Deutsch has been working to defend the rights of unborn children for longer than I have been aware of the issue. I consider Fred a friend and I look forward to working with him on bills this upcoming session. We owe a lot of respect to him and others like him whose passion and commitment and record should speak for themselves.

    I don’t believe the comments that call into question his commitment to life are appropriate, nor is disparaging him for his difference of opinion on HB1230, a bill I introduced to prevent the beheading of unborn children. At the end of the day, I failed to convince him and some others in my caucus that HB1230 was a good piece of legislation that should go forward, which I still believe it was.

    Spencer, I am gathering from your comments that you believe the bill had an obvious error and that it was an attempt to showboat rather than to protect the unborn. I respectfully disagree. I am a little surprised at your comments, as I consider you a friend also and I appreciated working with you during session. There are certainly a lot of different efforts competing for our time in Pierre and I certainly have room for improvement as far as building support goes or juggling the various bills I’d like to see pass or fail. It wasn’t my intention to do anything that offended you, I’m sorry if I have, and I hope we can continue working together.

    The bill is a serious attempt to stop a horrifying procedure that happens during many dismemberment abortions, where the abortionist separates the skull from the spine while the child is still alive. It was crafted based on the testimony of former abortionists who said that if the option to behead the child was not available, they would be unwilling to perform the abortion, because too often it is necessary in order to end the child’s life and/or complete the procedure.

    The language was evaluated by multiple pro-life attorneys I trust who believed that it would be defensible and it would prohibit a practice that sadly occurs many times a day in this country and I believe too often in this state. It also brings to light the dark reality that those who commit abortions routinely murder children by beheading them.

    In light of the hours of recently released video showing the depths of the depravity of planned parenthood, as well as their demonstrated disregard for the law and human life, I have no doubt that there are many illegal and horrifying things done here in the Sioux Falls Planned Parenthood death camp that remain hidden because of our minimal reporting requirements and weak state oversight.

    I am hopeful we can all work together next session to ensure that a bright light is finally shown into the practices of South Dakota planned parenthood and other hospitals that commit abortions. If they are giving life and hope and care to women and children, let it be seen and praised. But if they are coercing women and preying upon them in a difficult situation, or if they are murdering children or selling their tiny bodies for profit, or gladly sending young women out of state for practices South Dakota finds reprehensible, let it be exposed for all to see and let us put an end to it.

    Thank you all for your passion and work over the years on behalf of the unborn. I am looking forward to working hard with all of you on good legislation to make South Dakota a safer place for expecting mothers and their children.


  7. Besides the bill Isaac got out of committee, please link to any other pro-life bills that Fred or Spencer brought that did anything to combat the murder of the unborn. If that answer is “0?” Then their self-assessment should be even more brutal than their condemnation of Rep Latterell’s efforts to actually combat the murder of the unborn.

    Curious, is Spencer a lawyer that he so quickly and viciously condemned Rep Latterell’s bill?

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