Congressman Dusty Johnson: Less Talk, More Action

Less Talk, More Action
By Rep. Dusty Johnson
November 4, 2022

It’s easy to focus on what isn’t getting done in Washington—don’t get me wrong, there is a lot to do—but I was recently reminded of a big win from earlier this year. Once a bill crosses that finish line and is signed into law or implemented, sometimes we forget to highlight the impact it’s had on our economy and businesses.

Over the past few months, I have received feedback from industry leaders and government agencies on legislation I led—like the Ocean Shipping Reform Act and Butcher Block Act—and how they have impacted their respective industries. Spoiler alert, it’s good news!

The Ocean Shipping Reform Act has paved the way for your packages to be on time this holiday season. In 2020 and 2021, shipping delays were more common than ever before. But this year, cargo for holiday shopping is arriving in time to beat the peak season. Additionally, the average shipping rate has decreased by 60% since OSRA was signed into law. With record-high inflation, this savings is much needed for consumers and manufacturers.

My Butcher Block Act passed the House in June and has been implemented by the USDA through the Meat and Poultry Processing Expansion Program. A new small beef and pork combination plant in Faulkton was recently awarded a grant through this program. The facility will have the capacity to process more than 100 animals per week. More grants of this kind will increase capacity in the market and provide greater stability in prices and supply for consumers.

Authorizing the year-round use of E15 is another priority I have supported which passed the House in June and has been implemented administratively to allow more fuel to enter the market with the goal of lowering gas prices. This reduces our dependence on Russia, Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela for oil. I’ll continue to fight for American energy security and the reimplementation of policies that made our nation more energy secure under the last administration.

Addressing the supply chain crisis is just one area where I have seen many wins. There can be a lot of talk about what needs to be done, but without action, words don’t hold much weight. I’m proud to work on behalf of South Dakotans and deliver results that will directly impact them in positive ways. I’m looking forward to more wins in the next Congress with my Republican colleagues and getting our country on the right track.


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