Congressman Dusty Johnson starting radio ads against Amendment G

Congressman Dusty Johnson through his “Dusty PAC” Committee has started running radio ads regarding his opposition to Amendment G.

You can give it a listen here:

This is especially noteworthy, as it fully expresses his opposition against placing abortion in the state constitution. But, at the same time recognizing that there may be alternative means to oppose the amendment than sending a check to some of the traditional players.

The ad is running statewide on KELO and KOTA AM radio.

3 thoughts on “Congressman Dusty Johnson starting radio ads against Amendment G”

  1. Glad Dusty is stepping up to run ads. It sounds like the Catholic Church is running the sign distribution and the life defense fund is focused on the litigation/consultant side. Hopefully it is a winning combination. No on G!

  2. He stands as truly Prolife and not equating a bad law and a bad Constitutional Amendment. Of nothing else, this has smoked out the fake pro lifers.

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