Build Back Broke
By Rep. Dusty Johnson
November 5, 2021
It is Groundhog Day again on Capitol Hill. Every week, for the past seven weeks, House Democrats have claimed we will vote on their massive spending bill. Not surprisingly, it’s 5pm on Friday and a vote in the U.S. House has was open for over eight hours. This bill is so large, and so partisan, even Democrats cannot come to an agreement within their own party.
The Democrats’ spending spree is not what Americans want. More than 60% of Americans do not believe the plan will help the economy or their families, and they are right. It’s a “cradle to grave” welfare revamp. A 50-50 Senate and a narrowly divided House portrays a population that wants and needs bipartisan, common ground solutions.
If made permanent, “Build Back Better,” or as some are calling it “Build Back Broke,” will skyrocket the deficit by $2.5 trillion more every decade. It would place more strain on Medicare, further risking insolvency in five years.
Growing up on welfare assistance, I know the good that a safety net provides for those struggling to make ends meet, but this bill would not help those who need it most. It would lower wages, slow job creation, and increase the deficit, compared to the Tax Foundation baseline. This bill undermines work, rather than encouraging it, during a time when there is already a workforce crisis.
The University of Chicago found that 1.5 million Americans will leave the workforce because of the subsidies and tax credits included in this bill, leaving our country further behind in the race to economic recovery following COVID-19.
America needs opportunity-expanding programs that encourage work, rather than disincentivize it. Today’s jobs report was finally better than the past two months – now it not that time to pass a bill that will stand directly in the way of that progress.
As always, thanks for nothing Dusty.
Don’t try taking credit for any infrastructure projects any time soon, republicans.
BTW, Mr. Johnson, you told me you were going to keep tabs on what is happening to the political prisoners from January 6. We have a judge who has said the conditions are deplorable and has ordered at least one prisoner to be moved so he can get treatment for cancer that was being denied in jail. Recently Representatives Gohmert and Greene approached the facility and were denied entry. Are you still keeping tabs?
“Political Prisoners”
Insert eye roll here.
Keep rolling your eyes. I know of nobody who is saying there was not a riot. When was the last time someone was held for over 6 months for rioting? How many have actually been charged with sedition or insurrection? About the best they can get is a conviction for destroying property and maybe trespassing. These prisoners are being denied sanitary conditions. Here is one story from a source hardly in favor of those prisoners.
Perhaps you don’t have a problem with people being held without bail for essentially misdemeanors. This is a sad day when what at one time was supposed to be a country where all are equal under the law and treated appropriately.
Insert eye roll here.
Definition of “political prisoners” – “patriots” who attack cops with hockey sticks and spray them with mace, but for “freedom”. Sometimes this requires damaging federal property, stealing “souvenirs” (they are technically already owned by the government, so not stealing), and ignoring all rules. These same “rules” can be used against the enemy (those that don’t think like us) to imprison or remove them from life, but with us we can ignore that, and if rules are attempted to be enforced, it should be illegal and considered “wrong”. Often times the “enemy” (those that don’t think like us) need a reminder of our superior beliefs, this reminder is typically a “leave behind” of fecal matter, this can be left on a desk or smeared on walls.
Insert eye roll here……
That was no insurrection. Here is the place to put that major eyeroll.
Insurrection —
a violent uprising against an authority or government.
Do you dictionary?
What perfect timing to be thinking about budget!
Message to the Johnson staff – our home school submitted an entry to the Congressional App Challenge. The entry is budget/audit related, and I hope you and your team appreciate the gravity of what the girls have built.
John Dale, President
Home School
Spearfish, SD