Congressman Dusty Johnson’s Weekly Column: Fighting Foes, Fostering Families

Fighting Foes, Fostering Families
By Rep. Dusty Johnson
September 13, 2024 

BIG News

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is gobbling up land outside of China, and we’ve seen their attempts to purchase farmland in America. I’ve been vocal in opposition to the CCP’s purchases of our ag land – it’s a major threat to the security of our food supply. This week, I voted on dozens of bills that get tough on China. One of the bills, the Protecting American Agriculture from Foreign Adversaries Act, passed the House and would strengthen the U.S.’s review process for foreign purchases of American ag land.

I also voted to pass legislation to protect the U.S. from Chinese fentanyl, limit China’s leverage in the electric vehicle market, prevent U.S. dollars from going to Chinese biotech companies, and more. China is our biggest adversary – we should not fund their economy and military companies. I’m glad the bills this week take the threat of the CCP seriously and move the needle in the right direction.

BIG Update

Adoption is an incredibly meaningful way to complete a family. Each year, the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute (CCAI) hosts the Angels in Adoption program for members of Congress to honor families who have chosen adoption. I wasn’t able to meet with this year’s honoree, but in my meeting with CCAI, I met with Deb and her son Matthew from Aberdeen. Deb has fostered more than 117 children. The Gathering Well was also part of our meeting. They provide support for the adoption and foster care communities in the Sioux Falls area. I appreciate them for sharing their stories with me and for their advocacy work to improve the lives of children.


Johnson, The Gathering Well, Deb, and Matthew

BIG Idea

Light detection and ranging, or LiDAR, is a remote sensing technology that captures detailed three-dimensional maps of surrounding environments with millimeter-level accuracy. It’s used in the transportation sector in autonomous vehicles, drones, traffic control systems, railroad crossings, airports, and more. Allowing China to have such detailed access of our critical infrastructure is a major threat to our national security.

I introduced the Securing Infrastructure from Adversaries Act to prohibit the Department of Transportation from using LiDAR technology and keep our sensitive data out of the hands of those who seek to undermine our nation.


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