Congressman Dusty Johnson’s Weekly Column: I Prefer Old Love

I Prefer Old Love
By Rep. Dusty Johnson

Reflections as I begin my 20th year of marriage to Jacquelyn (Dice) Johnson:

New love is fun. It‘s easy to enjoy the excitement, the rush, the sense of opportunity.

I prefer old love, though.

New love is perishable. It‘s easily distracted and fades quickly. Old love is abiding. It’s stubborn, willing to ride out the inevitable storms and maelstroms of marriage.

New love is picky, and can be run off by any manner of shortcoming. Old love knows its every wart. For some blessed reason, old love sticks around.

You don’t have to dress up for old love, but often you do, because you want to.

Old love doesn’t keep score, because there’s only one team. Old love laughs together, cries together, works together, disciplines children together.

New love is noisy. There are so many interesting stories to share and fun secrets to confide. Old love knows how to talk and advise and share and confide, but it has also learned how to be still. It is easy to use silence as a tool of anger or apathy, but old love knows silence can also mean comfort and happiness.

Old love comes from God, and you can feel him within it. New love brings more pleasure, but old love brings more joy.

Old love laughs at jokes no one else understands. Old love exchanges glances, tells stories with a single look, and reads minds.

Old love is a best friend, makes us better, and is a sincere blessing.

New love is fun, but I prefer old love.


8 thoughts on “Congressman Dusty Johnson’s Weekly Column: I Prefer Old Love”

  1. What the heck is this? Usually columns from politicians are boring, this one is just strange. What is happening to Dusty in DC? This is so strange.

    1. Writing a public love letter to your wife is different but also nice. Of all the horrible ways DC supposedly changes people, this one really doesnt seem so bad.

    2. Yeah, why would anyone want to do anything out of the ordinary? Just keep doing the same old boring thing.

  2. 20 years? You’re just kids. Enjoy the ride! I have been married 38 years and have never looked back. Yes old love is the best love. Congrats.

  3. When I read the title, I thought Dusty was trying to get an invite to the next Republican women luncheon.

    1. You’re thinking of the democrat noon forum in Sioux Falls. Most of them are so old they fart dust.

  4. Anon 822: The problem you have with Dusty is that he is real, and he’s honest.

    I really like his column. I hope he never changes. I also hope he stays in the house for awhile and tries for Speaker. SD Congressional Representatives angle for Senate too soon.

  5. I do not regret voting for Trump. If I had voted for Dusty I would regret it.
    It seems Dusty’s goal in life is to become part of the “Swamp”.
    Perhaps he should use his high powered education he had bragged about during his campaign to help our President protect our country.

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