Congressman Dusty Johnson’s Weekly Column: Safe Streets, Smarter Policies

Safe Streets, Smarter Policies
By Rep. Dusty Johnson
September 20, 2024

BIG Update

For years, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has said that sanctuary cities create a public safety threat and are one of the biggest impediments to ICE’s public safety efforts. A sanctuary city’s refusal to cooperate with ICE puts local law enforcement officers in danger.

After four years of the Biden border crisis, sanctuary cities have received tens of thousands of illegal immigrants. Biden’s soft-on-crime and open border policies have made these communities, and others around them, less safe.

These cities have used taxpayer dollars to solve problems their own bad policies have made. This should not be the case. I voted to pass the No Bailout for Sanctuary Cities Act to ensure no taxpayer dollars are used to fund housing, food, and healthcare costs for illegal immigrants.

BIG Idea

The South Dakota Auto Dealers Association knows how difficult it would be to limit vehicle emissions to meet the EPA’s overly burdensome rule. This rule would effectively require two-thirds of all new cars to be electric vehicles by 2032. Not only do we not have the infrastructure to support this EV adoption, but it outpaces consumer demand and severely limits your options when purchasing a vehicle. This week I voted to end this unreasonable EPA rule.

Johnson and South Dakota Auto Dealers Association

BIG News

I voted to keep our government funded and require proof of citizenship to vote in federal elections. We must ensure election integrity. Showing a photo ID is a commonsense way to do that. Recently, Oregon discovered hundreds of noncitizens were mistakenly registered to vote, compromising our election security.

Keeping the government funded and operating and safeguarding our voting process are essential tasks of my job in Congress.


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