Congressman Dusty Johnson’s Weekly Column: The Big Three

The Big Three
By Rep. Dusty Johnson
September 15, 2023

BIG Update

Our national debt is skyrocketing. At this rate, it’s going to increase by $20 trillion in the next ten years. This is a crisis.

If we don’t act now, we know the impact it’ll have on Americans:

  • Higher cost of living
  • Higher interest for borrowers
  • Higher inflation
  • Private investment and economic growth is crowded out
  • Funding for our national priorities, like defense is stopped

But House Republicans’ have a plan:

  • Rein in out-of-control spending. President Biden has added $17 trillion to the national debt over the next decade. This is reckless. We must right-size government spending post-Covid.
  • Restore fiscal responsibility. $2 trillion of wasteful spending is due to improper payments—either payments that should not have been made or were made in the incorrect amount. The government should not be authorizing incorrect payments. We need to steward taxpayer dollars in a responsible way.
  • Reverse the curse. Our deal sets next year’s spending to the Fiscal Year 2022 levels and limits government spending growth to 1% for the next ten years. By returning to pro-growth, pro-work, pro-energy policies that re-ignite our economy, we can turn the tide of our economy, benefiting all Americans.

Our current fiscal trajectory is simply unsustainable. We need to solve these problems. We owe it to our children and grandchildren.

BIG Idea

A lot of folks out in cattle country are still looking for small and local options to process their cattle. I met with the Livestock Marketing Association to discuss how livestock marketers are currently prohibited from having an ownership stake in livestock processors. My bill, the A-PLUS Act, would fix this by expanding the opportunity for investment in small and local packers. This would also increase processing capacity and diversify market options for producers.

BIG News

BIG NEWS! My bill to protect and preserve the site of the Wounded Knee Massacre passed out of the U.S. House. This is an important step forward to getting this bill signed into law, so the land can be maintained as sacred for generations to come. The lives lost that day should be remembered and honored.

I introduced the bill in May. Not many bills receive a vote on the House Floor, and it is even more rare for a bill to receive a vote so soon after being introduced. I’m grateful for the work the Oglala Sioux Tribe and Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe contributed to the process of the Wounded Knee Massacre Memorial and Sacred Site Act and look forward to getting it across the finish line.

17 thoughts on “Congressman Dusty Johnson’s Weekly Column: The Big Three”

  1. congressman, thanks for your great votes in washington dc. i haven’t been so happy and grateful for a good representative since john thune had your job. keep up the great work, sir. you’re doing every thing i’d want and not doing anything i wouldn’t want. stay on it.

      1. or it’s you, giving up on a system you never took time to understand or be part of, too smart by half, burning it all down like monkeys with flag patches and torches.

        1. The “system” you refer to is rotten and corrupt, and neo-con clowns like you aren’t smart enough to notice — probably because you’re the ones who broke it.

          You’re damn right I want to burn it down.

          1. i disagree, which is to say i find people with your viewpoint to be spectacularly irrational with regard to political realities, and the mechanisms of lasting political change.
            take trump fans for an example. if they had a clue to the methods and conventions nations have established to interact with each other they’d be rightly horrified by the way trump ignored processes and constantly ignored the counsel of the experts at his disposal. and sure enough, he’s not one iota smarter as he runs now, even asking that the other primary candidates just give up now and just let him run the whole party. he has the same simplistic fantasy answers to world crises, the same on-the-spot campaign promises cooked up from focus groups, all of it meaningless because he’ll just do what he feels like doing on any given day. the trump fan is a person who, like you, has no idea that trump’s approach is wrong at all; they take the instant gratification they get from his speeches and behavior, and beg for more because they believe the lie that his power is their power, because fox news said so. the rest of us, who see and acknowledge the damage he has done don’t know where your smart attitude comes from, and just have to believe in ourselves and what we have learned and know.
            seriously, what is wrong with you? you should answer that question for yourself because i already know.

            1. It’s you who doesn’t have a clue. You sit there and claim to know more about the sad condition of our country than those who see what the democrat communists and the RINO’s are doing.
              Do you really believe this witch hunt against Trump is good for our country? Better yet, do you think congress couldn’t stop it if it was beneficial to them?
              You sound like the type who really believes the 2020 election was fair and Biden got 81 million votes campaigning from his basement. That in itself tells me you’re just a little delusional. AZ just ruled recently that their 2020 and 2022 elections were fraudulent so there is proof.
              Now, if our rep and senators and a few others that weren’t so quick to help the other side of the aisle would have stood up and done what they should have done we wouldn’t be in the sad shape we’re in. So, you tell me just what a wonderful job your beloved rep and senators have done.
              What they’ve done is reduced faith in our “fair voting process” as well as given us very little to trust about our government all because they thought we the people are too stupid to see the fraud they supported.
              I won’t stop voting regardless of how futile it is and I’ll never vote for a communist, but I have to tell you, we the people have to stop the RINO’s from enabling the other side from destroying our country.

      2. Sure, you bet…coming from the instant gratification generation that has the work ethic of an oyster.

      3. Youn might want to back up a bit, I’m a boomer and a veteran. It’s more like the uninformed who are the problem. First, you’re not going to find many vets that condone what most of our RINO politician are doing. Second, it is the uninformed that need to be enlightened and just a guess, they’re predominately those that haven’t served who are comfortable with who they think is doing a good job. Third and this is sad, we really didn’t have anyone with credentials to run against the incumbents who represented SD beliefs.
        By the way, our rep. was one of the few who voted to investigate J6 after the FBI had already reported there was no insurrection and he voted against Trumps border well, which I believe were mistakes.

  2. Nobody in the House has any business pointing fingers at anyone right now. They’re a dumpster fire whose infighting is going to cause a shutdown at the expense of taxpayers. Dusty claims to hate political posturing, yet sure does a lot of it.

    1. Jenny, the current spending is unsustainable. If the Democrats want to stand United to keep doing the unsustainable, shut it down.

      P.s. getting your talking points ftomKJP just males you both stupid and dishonest.

      1. Wow, name-calling – way to keep it classy. Also, no clue what KJP is – so you’re unsuccessful in lumping me into whatever category makes you feel better. The fact of the matter is most Republican House members are also sick of the radical right members holding the rest of the body hostage for unreasonable demands. Representative Johnson has said as much. What irks me is that he then turns around in these statements and tries to place blame with President Biden when he knows what the true issue is. Hence my comment about political posturing.

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