Contentious House State Affairs Meeting this morning. Might there be compromise?

Senate – Blackbird 2.0

I listened to the House State Affairs meeting this morning where they finally met to hear Senate Bill 1001 for the Senate version of redistricting, and while the Senators testifying seemed earnest enough, there definitely seemed to be tension in the room.

While I couldn’t judge, since there was no video, and I’m listening on a computer 200 miles away… it’s hard to say where we’re going on this.

They asked mainly about Aberdeen and brought up other areas. And the Senators, Mary Duvall and Casey Crabtree responded, and noted a willingness to discuss modifications in Conference Committee, especially in the Aberdeen area.

There was other testimony, mainly from people looking to protect their own districts. Which I just don’t understand, as the map has taken a number of various forms over past decades.

In the end, let’s just say that I’m not sure how much “give” there is on the part of House Leadership to compromise with the Senate.

Maybe there will be a breakthrough, but I’m not sure we’re there yet.

Grouse 2.1
House – Grouse 2.1

5 thoughts on “Contentious House State Affairs Meeting this morning. Might there be compromise?”

  1. Dennert’s compromise appears to be a good one. The lines are cleaner and more contiguous. The deviation also does not seem to be an issue. I’ll be curious to hear the objections to it.

  2. If I disagreed with my coworker I wish I could just throw up my hands and say “screw it, let someone else deal with it.”

  3. Send it to the courts, they can wait to rule on this just like they have for the Amendment A thing, we can skip this entire redistricting process and address it again in 2030. A lot of courts take 10 years to rule, lets do it.

  4. It ain’t over til it’s over. Nobody wants this to go to the courts except those who think they’ll lose in the new district format.

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