Cyber Expert wants his $5 million for disproving claims at Sioux Falls Cyber Symposium

Uh Oh..  It looks like My Pillow’s Mike Lindell has a cyber expert looking to collect his $5 Million after supposedly proving that the data they were trying to examine in Sioux Falls last week was all bunk:

“P-CAPs adhere to an international standard,” Alderson said, and include information like the date a file was created and an IP address. But Lindell’s data, shared as text files, had none of that. In fact, it was saved in hexadecimal format — despite the fact that packet captures use binary code.


At the conference, Lindell had all of the invited cybersecurity experts sign a legal document explaining the rules and stipulations under which he would give out the $5 million reward — all of which Alderson says he met.

He even sent a 10-page letter to Lindell’s attorney Wednesday outlining each part of the agreement and how he was able to meet the requirements.

Read the entire story here.

What? The conference reneging on their promise of $5 million after making wild claims?

Who would have thought?

2 thoughts on “Cyber Expert wants his $5 million for disproving claims at Sioux Falls Cyber Symposium”

  1. These days, the burden of proof seems to be a ghost.

    “Where are the original files” is certainly not proof.

    Also, why did the CO AG raid a county supervisor’s home who happened to be in Sioux Falls?

    There was a lot presented at the conference.

    Even if it was a head fake to draw-out whatever event is meant to distract from the real forensic audit, there were several important items that came out of the conference, the assault being the most important.

    1. the Colorado office was raided because somebody in that office made the voting machines’ passwords public. It wasn’t Chinese spies, it was likely somebody who works for her.

      The timing of that raid had nothing to do with her geographical location; she has a delusional sense of self-importance if she believes otherwise.

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