D12 House Primary keeps getting bigger. Up to 4, with the incumbent yet to come.

DANG! Is that District 12 House Race shaping up to be a donnybrook, or what? And incumbent State Representative Greg Jamison has yet to drop his name into the fishbowl for this Sioux Falls Legislative version of the Hunger Games.

I’m not sure the primary will get any bigger but I anticipate there will be one heck of a battle for the 2 seats.

Early on, I would give the advantage to Jamison, for pure name ID and being well known in the community. And Amber Arlint is said to be attracting a lot of attention in her race, and has an ability to raise some serious coin.  But, there’s a lot of air between now and June 7, so a lot can happen as the races shape up.

Stay tuned.

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