Dakota Scout co-owner advocates against early voting?

That was an odd tweet to pop up all of a sudden. And don’t know that I agree at all.

As a parent of a child in the Navy who may be underwater in a sub on election day, and a spouse who is working across the state who absolutely will be voting in the November election but will not be in town on election day, early voting is what allows them to participate.

Driving down turnout is not the answer.

7 thoughts on “Dakota Scout co-owner advocates against early voting?”

  1. I believe early voting is for those who will not be able to on November 5th. Otherwise do it on the 5th. I do not want to vote 2 months out only to have something major happen between now and then that would want to make change my vote and couldn’t.

  2. It’s the law. I voted today. Nothing is going to happen between now and Election Day to sway my vote on any of the contests. In addition, I am not able to vote at my polling place on Election Day because I am an Election Worker at another polling place.
    Mind your own damn business, Sneve.

  3. It ruins October Surprises for one thing

    It’s also a good thing to do at the same time you pay the second half of your property taxes. In fact, I think EVERYBODY should pay their property taxes and vote on the same trip to the courthouse.. I think paying your property taxes to the bank with your mortgage payment helps ypu forget how much you are paying.

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