Dem US Senate Brian Bengs doing odd jobs around the house. Apparently, he’s already checked out of campaigning.

What does a candidate who sees the handwriting on the wall of an impending loss spend his weekend doing?    Instead of going out and earning votes, Brian Bengs, gets on twitter and poses a question whether Senator Thune changes his own oil and cleans his gutters..


Er.. yeah. I’m sure John has done those things, as well as many more. But considering the fact that 2 1/2 weeks before an election where Bengs is way down in the polls and has no cash left,  and should be out knocking on doors and campaigning, instead he decides to do household chores, and make it a weird tweet.

When I said last week “we can call this race over and done with..”  apparently Bengs has taken it to heart.

5 thoughts on “Dem US Senate Brian Bengs doing odd jobs around the house. Apparently, he’s already checked out of campaigning.”

  1. Nice Plum Crazy Dodge Challenger Bengs is changing the oil on. Just a working stiff running for office against incredible odds.

  2. I personally don’t expect any of my elected representatives to do all the things Brian wants them to do. That tells me Brian would rather stay at home instead of going to the job he wants to be elected to.

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