8 thoughts on “Oh, good lord, are Democrats STILL counting ballots in Iowa?”

  1. they have it counted that is why they are not releasing the results…SANDERS WON and they need to delay any announcement to help others beat him in New Hampshire

    1. I dunno; the incompetent, not-ready-for-primetime mayor looks like he may get the delegates; it’s really a question of which awful socialist won.

      Love the meme!

    1. I agree. If you’re following the (comical) latest developments, it’s looking more and more as if they rigged the game against Sanders. I understand, it could be just a huge accident. I don’t claim the power to look into these DNC minds and discern their intent. But circumstantial evidence is stacking up. And we know they did it in 2016.

  2. It took them two weeks to get the final results for the Republican Caucus in 2012. Romney declared himself the winner, but it was actually Santorum.

    Iowa has sucked at caucuses basically forever.
    That they continue to have issues isn’t new.

    1. You are correct a recount changed the result in that GOP caucus. However we still haven’t even got the first count of under 200,000 votes. If this were California, we’d have a result just in time for the 2024 election.

      That said, the mistake was rolling out software without a trial run.

  3. Why are you surprised? Are these not the same people who brought us the Affordable Care Act website and launched it without testing it?

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