Democrats…… buy tickets…… you must comply… Sincerely, your Compliance Director.

Okay, I found the latest plug by the Democrats to get their minions to attend the Bill Maher event a bit funny.

This week is your last chance to purchase tickets to the Bill Maher show, taking place Sunday, September 13 at the Washington Pavilion. Tickets are still available through the South Dakota Democratic Party until Thursday, September 10 at noon. We can’t wait to see you there!
Samuel Parkinson
Compliance Director


The plug for Democrats to attend the show, and the pre-show reception (with no one famous attending) is being pushed hard today by their compliance director.

So, if the minions don’t attend, are they out of compliance with the party’s Liberal-speak?  And someone will put a checkmark in a box? 🙂

2 thoughts on “Democrats…… buy tickets…… you must comply… Sincerely, your Compliance Director.”

  1. Geeee, we never see here “plugs” for events by FHA or other con. groups. I don’t know, but I’ll bet there was a “plug” here Josh Dugger being at one or more of those events.

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