Democrats claiming they have plans.. but they might be begging for cash to keep the lights on.

South Dakota Democrats sent out a blast e-mail this week begging for cash, claiming they have a plan for the money which includes hiring interns and making people aware of their new logo, according to KELO Radio:

South Dakota’s Democratic Party says they have a plan for success in 2020 and beyond.

In an email to party members, they said they’re trying to raise nearly $36,000 to implement it.


They also want to place a digital ad buy to raise awareness of their new logo as well as messaging and fundraising.

Read the entire story here.

Democrats want to raise $36,000, because they have “a plan” to “turn South Dakota Blue for their presidential nominee?”  OK… But.

It’s funny that they’re trying to raise $36k, because I can’t help but recall the FEC Report they filed late last month showing nearly $47,000 in unpaid debts and obligations against $17K in the bank. A deficit of about $30,000.

South Dakota Democrats filed their latest federal campaign finance report yesterday, revealing that the party is carrying nearly $47,000 in unpaid debts and obligations against only $16,624.38 in cash on hand.

In response to the Democrat Party’s shaky finances, Republican Party Chairman Dan Lederman encouraged Democrats as part of their debt management plans to take care of local South Dakota vendors first before their Washington, DC consultants.

Lederman said “a review of Democrat’s latest financial report makes it look like they went on a spending spree without having the money to pay the bills. They owe money to a number of people, including Maryland consultants, a Washington, DC Computer firm, a Washington DC Law Firm, and a number of local businesses.”

Read that here.

They might be promising new initiatives, but with that kind of debt load and their burn rate (rate of spending), buying some facebook ads might be the best they can hope to accomplish.

3 thoughts on “Democrats claiming they have plans.. but they might be begging for cash to keep the lights on.”

  1. If the Democrats have any plans they should get Corey Heidelberger to leave the state. He keeps dragging their party down. Corey is the best thing for the Republicans to stay in power.

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