Dems announce ED abandoning ship to bring his successes to more states.

From the South Dakota Democrat Party:

The South Dakota Democratic Party (SDDP) announced today that its Executive Director, Sam Parkinson has been named Western Regional Representative by the Association of State Democratic Committees (ASDC). In this new position, Parkinson will be working with state parties in the western region of the United States by helping them grow through fundraising, messaging, and electoral success, while also strengthen their voice within the Democratic National Committee (DNC). Parkinson’s last day as SDDP Executive Director will be May 2.


“It’s been an honor working for the SDDP, a party that has produced leaders like McGovern, Daschle, Johnson, Herseth Sandlin, Sutton, and many more,” said Parkinson. “I can’t say enough about the South Dakotans I’ve had the pleasure of working with over the last four years. We’ve successfully advocated for higher pay for teachers, increasing the minimum wage for all South Dakota workers, and increased transparency in state government, among other issues. I’m looking forward to seeing the continued growth of the SDDP as South Dakota Democrats continue to push for Medicaid Expansion, higher wages for the working class, expanding the farm economy through things like hemp production, and much more.”

Read it all here.

So,  Sam Parkinson, the Executive Director for South Dakota Democrats, an organization that is on life-support from the national party, is being booted upstairs to help other Dem orgs “grow through fundraising, messaging, and electoral success?”  Shouldn’t he be able to actually point to adequacy in fundraising? And actual electoral success?

(Just askin.)

11 thoughts on “Dems announce ED abandoning ship to bring his successes to more states.”

  1. I certainly wish Sam the same success across the west that he’s had here. 2020 will be fun!

    1. Sharp? Yeah, he did wonders with the South Dakota Dem Party didn’t he. I wish him no success in pushing the socialist agenda of today’s Democrat Party.

      1. Can you give the hyper tribalism a rest and just be an American? He did a great job in the capacity he had, is well liked and is a hard worker.

        1. The Democrat party is ruining the country, so I don’t pull punches in my desire that they fail in their goals. I am thinking of my kids and shudder to think of them living in the country that the Democrats are striving towards. A lot of people like Hillary and Bernie too, but that doesn’t mean I have to want them to succeed.

      2. to be fair, anon May 1 10:31, the state democrat party is largely a no-win situation, no pun intended. it’s not institutionally focused on the sea change in attitude neccessary for them to regain the glories of past years. (i.e. winning anything approaching half of the seats in sd). namely, they have to decide to SERVE THE VOTERS again, instead of issuing agendas for voters to follow. if we ever have a situation where republicans and democrats are working side by side to seek voters needs and address them, the democrats will tap into the power they need to win again. the current practice of berating the state’s voters for “idiotic” support of republicans, and chanting the mantra that avoidance of obamacare and the green new deal is “voting against their own interests” will clearly result in voters staying with republicans. right now the so-called ‘rino’ wing of the gop is the best hope most democrats have until the party rediscovers how to win.

    1. You forget, one of the underlying foundations of the Democrat Party is to reward failure and give, give, give to those who haven’t earned. This is no surprise given the leftward lurch of the party.

  2. Looking forward to Mr. Parkinson being promoted into DNC bureaucratic oblivion. SDDP has run the long-con in tricking their small but loyal base of crusty Dems into giving up their social security checks to pay for Sam’s salary. Glad to know grandma can buy groceries again and the coastal elites will be paying his checks.

  3. Looking forward to Mr. Parkinson being promoted into DNC bureaucratic oblivion. SDDP has run the long-con in tricking their small but loyal base of crusty Dems into giving up their social security checks to pay for Sam’s salary. Glad to know grandma can buy groceries again and the coastal elites will be paying his checks.

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