“Do they really think people will fill this out?” Pot group demanding legislative candidate positions on legalization for publication

I just had this sent over to me from a legislative candidate who quipped “Do they really think people will fill this out?”

A legislative survey coming from the twin hydra of long-time Dem operative Drey Samuelson, and pot advocate Melissa Mentele went to legislative candidates on Saturday demanding their response to a pro-pot survey, and noting that their answers will be published on their websites to tell voters in their districts their positions on legalizing pot (which still remains illegal at the federal level, btw):

Our ballot question committees would like to know your positions on these issues. We will publish the answers on our websites to educate voters in your district where you stand on cannabis reform. If you do not return the survey we will mark it as a “non-response.”

Do you support legalizing marijuana?

I’ll just bet that there will be a line of legislative candidates waiting to send that loaded gun of a survey back.

28 thoughts on ““Do they really think people will fill this out?” Pot group demanding legislative candidate positions on legalization for publication”

  1. “Demand” sounds like a pretty strong word. The issue is on the ballot this fall so I don’t think it’s an unreasonable ask.

  2. I can’t sign-on with this style of leadership .. it creates backlash and manufactures dissent. As long as this is the cut of our jib, our work in cannabis advocacy may never be done.

  3. I don’t see any loaded gun questions. These are basic questions on a political stance in relation to cannabis as medicine for people that would benefit from it. I see no reason not to answer them if they actually believe what they say about cannabis then they should have no troubles answering the questions.

  4. Yes people will fill it out! Cannabis is the the new beer, or glass of wine. Its less harmful then both previous mentioned substances. This is an article from a very biased man with no experience with cannabis and no knowledge of how it actually works. Living in fear of change.

  5. I bet the Recreational vote fails by a margin of 70-30 or even 80-20. I don’t think people, including myself, want recreational marijuana. The medical is a whole different animal and I am inclined to support it. It can’t be any worse than the crap you get from Big Pharma, who are the biggest dope dealers in the world.

  6. I personally will not vote for another legislator that does not support full legalization! The “old” Republicans will start to lose their seats to us younger ones.

  7. Treat it like a medicine then. Grow it in regulated conditions, need a medical doctor prescription to obtain it. Otherwise it is just a way to recreational under the guise of medicinal. If the promoters aren’t willing to go this route, they are simply lying and trying to fool the voters.

    1. You mean, how every other state is handling medical marijuana and exactly how it would be under the initiative. Sounds good?

      1. Under this initiative a person would have to obtain a card from the dept of health. Does a medical doctor have to prescribe marijuana? The person would grow his own plants…what prevents him from sharing the marijuana for recreational purposes?

  8. Legalize both medical and recre6, it’s on the ballot, why won’t you answer the questions? You’re obligated to tell your constituents what you’ll do, not a loaded question. Quite treating cannabis as a street drug, and use the correct terminology, cannabis not pot.

  9. I don’t think you have to be a Democrat to support cannabis legalization. Frankly, I’m not sure how any small government loving Republican can sleep at night knowing tax dollars are being wasted hunting people down and jailing them for a benevolent plant, while the state is raking in tax dollars from the sale of the known carcinogen, tobacco, and one of only two types of drugs that can actually kill you from withdrawals alone, alcohol.

    1. Bro. Democrats want to legalize it for all the wrong reasons. ALL of the major pot groups are linked to George Soros. They only want it legal so they can control the public and push through all kinds of horrifying shit like gun confiscation and forced microchipping without resistance. If you want to legalize it for the right reasons i.e. to end a failed drug war and refocus law enforcement resources on actual criminals like the Deep State, I think the Republicans should be the ones putting forth a legalization bill. Provided they can come up with a good argument in favor of it of course.

    1. very few who actually USE pot would get from the top to the bottom of the survey still intact

  10. How is asking where candidates stand on ballot questions loaded? These kinds of surveys are done all the time but special interest groups.

  11. If you are my elected representative for any office, at any level, I am fully expecting you to provide me with stand on any issue, and why.

  12. These are fair questions to ask. I don’t see why anyone wouldn’t fill it out and I’m sure no one is “demanding” either. South Dakota is behind the times in a lot of things. Cannabis businesses have been deemed essential in 33 states during this time of COVID. Cannabis has been used for medicinal uses for the last 5,000 years. As a healthcare provider I’m all for it

    1. Not all states fell to the pressure and money from Big Tobacco 2.0. They are not essential. It is a case of addiction economics. Smoking increases one risk factor for COVID – 19. THC especially at today’s super high levels which has zero medical benefits increases another risk factor by suppressing the immune system.

      1. So you’re upset with Noem for never closing casinos, right? SD is the poster child for addiction economics.

  13. This gets the same treatment as the questionaires I receive from the pro-abortion group, the pro-euthanasia group, and the pro-LGBTQ group.

  14. It is a ballot issue, right? So what a legislator’s position on the issue us moot. If I am running, my answer is if the the voters choose a position on that issue, I will abide by it.

    1. You know that’s not how SD legislators think. And that’s why this is an amendment rather than a measure. Lawmakers here don’t respect their constituents’ views and vote whichever way brings dollars to their pocket.

  15. Having anything to do with NASD including getting PAC money from them could be a major liability for candidates. Both of measures they are pushing are recreational marijuana.

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