“Dr.” Terry Lee LaFleur found himself shut down once again late last week in his quest to become our state’s next governor.
Chief Justice Gilbertson rejected LaFleur’s legal wizardry on behalf of the South Dakota Supreme Court, as Terry sought to be placed on the ballot:
And that was that.
One goofball Constitution party member down…..
…One to go.
Congressional nominee G. Matt Johnson’s legal complaint was filed on August 29:
The complaint explicitly stated that time was of the essence, but KELO-TV is reporting that the state didn’t even bother to respond until late last week. I’m looking forward to hearing the attorney general’s explanation for the delay.
Here’s the KELO-TV story.
Just because the complaint said it was urgent doesn’t make it so.
Dr. LaFleur, and his pals, all seem like nice enough fellows. Why is it that they cannot follow the rules. Mr. Rhoden had to get smacked, and smacked hard he did, and he took it on the iron chin the way you would expect Mr. Rhoden to do. But why does this fellow, a medical doctor no less, not grasp the basics?
He’s not a medical doctor. He is a law school graduate who never passed the bar exam.
Doctor LeFleur insists we address him as a Dr. After this election will he audition for a Soap Opera role on General Hospital? He could be a doctor there.