Dusty Johnson to Lead Influential Conservative Caucus

Johnson to Lead Influential Conservative Caucus

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Representative Dusty Johnson (R-S.D.) was re-elected as Chair of the Republican Main Street Caucus (“Main Street”). In recent years, Main Street has been at the forefront of delivering key conservative wins, including cutting $2 trillion in spending over four years, reforming welfare, and unlocking American energy.

“Now is a special time in American history,” said Johnson. “We must secure the border, cut spending, and roll back unnecessary regulations. The Republican Main Street Caucus will work with President Trump and the Senate to deliver on this strong, conservative agenda. I’m proud to lead this group during this exciting time.”

Main Street is comprised of more than 80 conservative House members from across the country dedicated to delivering commonsense, conservative solutions. Johnson has led the group since 2022.


10 thoughts on “Dusty Johnson to Lead Influential Conservative Caucus”

  1. Dusty is NOT a fiscal conservative he voted for most if not all of Continuing Resolutions and Omnibus bill in the last four years. Him along with Thune and rounds voted to fund the entire Biden agenda.

    1. Quit listening to political hacks like Toby Doeden. Its ok to reach across the aisle to get stuff done. Idiot

      1. Speaking of Toby I think Pat should focus on the Dumpster Fire’s newest exploit. His podcast with so many errors i lost track.

        1. That Brown County embarrassment announced on his latest “Unqualified” “Unfit” Podcast announced he and some partners purchased Campbells Town and Country Building Center. Many regional folks are going to be upset, ticked off about that and will add it to their boycott list. Campbells was a longtime and great family business. Good people! This will be destined to end up like another Aberdeen landmark Scotty’s being run into the ground.

          Doeden is a walking rambling contradiction. He told some pretty tall tales in his podcast and ended with him promoting his bitcoin scheme toward the end. His kid built a bitcoin mine in Aberdeen. Did they try to get a TIF for that too?

    2. And you do realize that there are going to be times when even the most conservative members of congress will vote in step with Biden. 538 has a great chart on how in step each member of congress is with Biden. This may shock you but Congressman Johnson was amongst the lowest at 18%. Thune at 34%(Lowest senator was 15%) and Rounds 44%.

      MAN Dusty…What a RINO(insert eye roll here)

    3. Doeden is a fake and an opportunist. He is a Libertarian that hangs with his Libertarian political activists up there in Aberdeen. His relationships are transactional and would get crushed by Dusty, Rounds or Thune.

  2. if you seriously believe johnson isn’t a conservative, then what you’re doing isn’t “participating in politics;” what you’re doing is allowing yourself to be driven from target to target, being used by propagandists like a 68 catalina sedan at a demolition derby. check yourself.

  3. If you all think Dusty is conservative tell me why he voted for all the spending bills, CR and omnibus, that gave us the full Biden agenda and 25 % drop in the value of the dollar since 2020.Thune and Rounds the same.

  4. Regardless of what you think about him, you have to admit that it is nice that 80 House Republicans trust Dusty to lead them.

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