Dusty Johnson’s 2023 Year End FEC Report: $745k in receipts, $140k spent, $3.9m cash on hand

Wow. Congressman Dusty Johnson put up big fundraising during the last quarter of 2023.

Dusty Johnson YE 2023 FEC by Pat Powers on Scribd

South Dakota’s Congressman put up a whopper of a fundraising quarter where he added a very strong $662,787.93 in donations, along with $21,800 from another committee, and $60,555.35 in interest to add up to $745,143.28 to the positive. Against which the committee had $139,780.20 in expenses.

Leaving Congressman Johnson with ending cash on hand of $3,881,425.26 going into the 2024 campaign season.

Those are strong fundraising numbers, and it will only get better with the possibility of an dumpster fire of an opponent.