Dusty Johnson’s Weekly Column: Future Leaders of America

Future Leaders of America
By Rep. Dusty Johnson
June 9, 2023

Every June, hundreds of high school students who just completed their junior year are selected by the American Legion Auxiliary to participate in Boys State and Girls State. I had the opportunity to attend Boys State when I was in high school, and it has had a lasting impact on me. I was honored to be able to speak at Boys State and Girls State again this year and met some of our state’s next generation leaders in government. This year was even more special because my oldest son, Max, was at Boys State.

These conferences are organized so attendees can learn the functions of government at the local, county, and state levels; understand how to play an active role in government as a citizen; and develop a stronger understanding of patriotism. I know it’s important to encourage students to become involved and engaged citizens and I am grateful for each opportunity I get to do so.

These events are a great kickoff to summer and close to the school year. Many of these students are now working hard at their summer jobs. I’m proud of the teens, including my own, who work jobs throughout the summer, gaining real workplace experience and developing interpersonal and professional skills that can’t be taught in the classroom. I’m confident the teenagers who work jobs during the summer and throughout the year will have a leg up when it comes to apply to colleges, internships, and jobs post-college graduation.

Seeing hundreds of engaged, informed, and effective students in one place was encouraging and I look forward to seeing where these leaders go in their future.

Dusty Johnson and his son, Max, at Boys State
Dusty Johnson and Girls State attendees