I’ve been hearing anecdotes for the last week within GOP circles that early voting is nearly 4 times as high as it had been last election. Today, the Secretary of State confirmed that early voting is occurring at a near record pace, and could comprise a staggering 35% of the vote:
Friday was the busiest day in the history of early voting for county auditors.
South Dakota Secretary of State Shantel Krebs told The Greg Belfrage Show Wednesday that she expects 30 to 35 percent of all voters this fall to vote by absentee ballot.
My fellow Republicans – 35% of the vote? That’s a third of your electorate. Better get those early voting postcards out.
(Call me at Dakota Campaign Store, I’m happy to get you taken care of. – PP)
I’ve been advised strongly to vote early by absentee because the ballot is so long that there will be long lines on Election Day as voters slog their way through all the choices. One person told me that he’s very aware politically, but it still took a long time for him to complete his ballot. He couldn’t imagine what it would be like for a voter who hasn’t heard of most of the candidates, amendments, initiated measures, etc. and tries to decide in the voting booth.
I’ll be voting no on all of these including Masy’s law and their blatant lies about Marty Jackley and the AG’s office’s lack of protection for crime victims.
I might vote yes on the tech school amendment.
I will not be voting yes on the tech schools R amendment. Let’s be cautious about voting to create yet another level of government! We need less government not more!!!1!!
Please keep in mind the purpose of Amendment R. Our constitution says that all public education outside of K-12 comes under the jurisdiction of the Board of Regents. This was in our constitution before the Tech schools were born. The Tech schools evolved out of the K-12 programs and have been financed and run by K-12 schools. So, Amendment R, in simple terms, forms a governance for the Tech schools outside of the Board of Regents. This is good legislation and I would urge you to vote YES.
All you Democrats, be sure to go out and vote for Hawks, Hamburglar, Hillary, and Williams on November 9th!!
A bit off topic, but what kind of group is the League of Women Voters South Dakota? I received a robo call from them in support of Amendment E. Any insight?
They are a nonpartisan group. I would guess most of what you will garner from them is that they are non partisan and anything that sounds non partisan will be supported by them.
There is no Amendment E this year. AARP supports Amendment V and Initiated Measure 21. It opposes Constitutional Measure U. Its SD voter guide does not mention the other seven ballot measures.
Be sure to vote for the racist Trump to,