Equivalent to “Coal in the Stocking.” SDGOP Vice Chair Calls out House Appropriations

From Twitter:

Honestly, that was not far off of what I was thinking. Now we may have to figure up 6.2% sales tax…

15 thoughts on “Equivalent to “Coal in the Stocking.” SDGOP Vice Chair Calls out House Appropriations”

  1. I can’t figure out all the divisions within the legislature, its like a high school with all the cliques. Can anyone create a map of this? Maybe we can have a link for an interactive map all readers can contribute to. Mural app would work great, please get one going, Pat!

        1. I’d say a 66-3 vote indicates very strong leadership. Mort and Rehfeldt got their caucus to buy-in.

  2. I wish the adults would speak up. To think we have an extra $100 million in revenue ongoing is delusional. Economies ebb and flow, and we are on the heels of a massive infusion of money supply by the federal government. The economy will tighten and money supply will shrink at some point despite what the Governor believes. South Dakota usually performs better during recessions, but we are not immune to downturns. It’s also ironic when they argue that the economy is doing so well but people can’t afford to pay taxes on food.

    Not opposed to a tax cut, but let’s do it because it makes sense economically and with our budget, not for political reasons. Have we solved our problems with corrections and crime? Are we funding education adequately? Do we have enough income to cover the Medicaid expansion passed by the voters? It’s really easy politically to give away $100 million, but does it make sense long term?

    1. Great points and just to be absolutely honest and observant at the same time when have you seen a thin starving person anywhere in South Dakota or America for that matter? It might make way more sense to triple the tax on junk processed food products.

  3. Any analysis of the Governor’s two biggest priorities going down in flames, Pat? Any historical equivalent?

    1. Daugaard and his half penny sales tax… oh wait no he came back and got that passed.

      In hind sight how hard was that to get through? A tax increase? A tax decrease should be easy in a gop majority then.

  4. Wiik and Fitzgerald are not showing any real strength. I expected more. 8-1 is a blowout. SB 40 going through the senate and little effort being made by them to work it out is bewildering.

  5. Well, that $111 per South Dakota Citizen will really be a boon. What a joke. Why so much buckabaloo over $111 per person. That’s just insaner than most.

    1. Grudznick at 9:25… It’s adults who pay for things, so whittled down to that cohort it’s more like $250 to $300 a year on average, with farmers and ranchers doing better than that. Not great, but not nothing, either.

  6. Grudz, the issue is that many people think charging sales tax on food is immoral. It doesn’t matter what the rate is, people shouldn’t pay sales taxes on what they need to stay alive. A higher tax on non-food items to make up the difference in revenue is more acceptable.

    The Republicans in the legislature have just delivered a Christmas present to the SDDP.

  7. Anne – Republicans have opposed this move for years. Not saying it’s right or wrong, but if that’s a gift to the SDDP, it’s been the gift that keeps on giving. The SDDP can’t do anything with it because most people really don’t care. They will say in the Governor’s poll all day long that they want the tax cut, but it has very little impact at the ballot box.

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