Ezra Hays continuing campaign for State GOP Chair

Ezra Hays is continuing his effort in the contest for South Dakota GOP Chair via postcards that he sent out recently from the same pile as he had sent the group of county elected officials before…


And apparently a website for his effort has been launched:

Which you can read here.

We’re about 2 1/2 weeks out from the election for SDGOP chair. At this point, I’m not sure that it looking like we’re going to get any other options in this race.

Does a person throw a dart? Or is there actually one who is the best option to present as the public face of the South Dakota Republican Party?

4 thoughts on “Ezra Hays continuing campaign for State GOP Chair”

  1. The trouble is, if we get someone who actually understands what the party is supposed to do, raise money and get Republicans elected, he will be stuck with all the crazies who think the party’s job is to make policy and tell officeholders what to do.
    The only chairperson who will be able to get along with these crazies is one of their own, who will let them pass resolutions and issue press releases condemning different officeholders for how they voted. This will drive away all the donors and the people who just want to get a few things done, and the party will sink into a pit of irrelevant oblivion.

  2. I met Ezra last year in Sturgis.

    I found him to be focused and principled, trusted by folks who would know.

    At a time when lies are the truth, black is white, up is down, good is bad .. restoration of principles wouldn’t be all that bad.

    We’ll see.

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