First Initiated Measure reform bill from individual legislators filed

Senate Bill 59 has been filed – one of the first initiated measure reform measures from individual legislators to try to fix the grand mess that we’ve been going through over the past several cycles.

This first reform bill gives the legislature and state government a chance to prepare for the impact of such measures, such as through rule-making authority and changing law to comply with the measures (especially poorly written ones), by making them effective on July 1 of the following year, and not at the time the canvaSs is completed:


One thought on “First Initiated Measure reform bill from individual legislators filed”

  1. Section 2 seems a little broad. Would this add a single-subject rule to the initiative process? Would it make initiatives veto-able by the Governor? Could initiatives be referred before they even go into effect, thereby making ballot measures take years to become enacted?

    This will probably just spur more out-of-state money groups to focus on constitutional amendments, which have their own enunciated protections – shame.

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