Florence Thompson for House postcard… The campaign card stuck in a time warp.

This hit the mail in District 30 today.. and if you look at the picture on the front, you have to ask – was she wearing bell bottoms in this photo?

The photo on the front side looks like she’s trying to campaign using a vintage photo from the 1970’s. You have to ask whether she’s wearing bell bottoms, and arrived to take the photo in a ford pinto?

But we do find out she “Volunteered 10 years with the Conservative Causcus (sic) in Pierre”… even though it’s only existed since 2018.

I’m assuming she went back in time to volunteer at the same time she got that photo done.

12 thoughts on “Florence Thompson for House postcard… The campaign card stuck in a time warp.”

  1. You do know that this conveys to the good people of Dist 30 that you think they are unable to think for themselves. Do you find that endearing when it’s done to you ? Stick to bashing Democrats, Libertarians and Independents. As you should be the first to admit, the Republicans of South Dakota are quite capable of their own conclusions.

    1. Kelly, so you’re demanding I should only point out that candidates stink based on party? If you don’t like the fact I might point out falsehoods and people that have no business writing laws for South Dakota, then I would suggest you go write your own website.

    2. And by the way, if anyone in District 30 is reading, you can’t think for yourself as Kelly claims, and I can influence your opinion: For god’s sale, don’t vote for Julie Frye Mueller or Florence Thompson.

      1. Indeed. Those ladies are insaner than most. In District 30 we need to reverse the course of insanerism.

  2. Yes, Pat, we know your daughter’s good friend circulated petitions for District 30 Senate candidate Kotti and House challenger Kwinn. And yes, Pat, we know you’re developing Kotti’s campaign materials. So using this blog to promote them is no surprise. If you have an appearance of a conflict of interest, you should err on the side of full disclosure. Any chance you get, you take personal swipes at Mueller and Thompson. Are we adults or middle schoolers who just discovered the internet? You can comment on their policies all you want, but don’t make them personal. Calling people “insane”, “horrible”, and “crazy” isn’t acceptable to say out loud or on your little blog. Even I, as a 20 year old, understand where the line should be drawn. Why is it that you go after anyone not a part of the establishment? It makes me sad to realize how comfortable you’ve become with being a mouthpiece. It’s my hope you’ll realize it soon, too. Good luck!

    1. Madison, I actually am not doing anything for Kotti, and don’t keep track of which of my daughters’ friends circulate anything.

      But yes, now that you mention it, both Thompson and Mueller are awful and should not be elected to anything.

  3. Pat,
    I totally agree with you. The folks in District 30 can read and listen for themselves via sdlegislature.gov as to how both Frau-Mueller and Thompson should never, ever be allowed to write laws for SD. If you can influence those in District 30 to vote according to your fact-based opinion Pat, then good for District 30! We need common sense, at least partially sane, legislators in Pierre, not those with pre-conceived agendas, huge axes to grind and wildly controversial, wacked out ideas based on fake-science or ultra-right wing conspiracy theories.

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