Former Dem Coms Director, Candidate for State Treasurer announces run for State House

Democrat Aaron Matson who served as South Dakota Democrat Party Communications Director, and most recently lost a race for State Treasurer (62.3% to 37.7%) to State Treasurer Josh Haeder is apparently setting his sights a little lower in the 2024 election cycle, and has announced that he will be running in the District 11 House race:

The House seats are currently held by Republican Representatives Brian Mulder and Chris Karr.

Karr is term limited from running for that office again, so the contest starts with one open seat. So, we’ll see how things shake out in the coming months.

4 thoughts on “Former Dem Coms Director, Candidate for State Treasurer announces run for State House”

  1. Is Mulder the guy who said radio beams on Mount Rushmore are being used to influence people?

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