Former Legislator accused of hurting 2019 investigation into Serenity Dennard disappearance

South Dakota News Watch has a story posted this afternoon about the disappearance of Serenity Dennard from the Children’s Home Society Facility in the Black Hills in 2019. And of particular interest to politicos is a notation from investigators how former State Senator Lynne DiSanto (who has changed her name since) caused problems that they say hurt the investigation, specifically noting that she “impeded investigation with conspiracy theories”:

Harrison, one of the investigators, said the immense social media attention on the case and frequency of uniformed posts caused pain for those involved in the case and may have actually slowed the investigation.

At one point, former state Republican legislator Lynne DiSanto interviewed people and created videos and a website devoted to conspiracy theories surrounding the case. DiSanto, who now lives in Montana under the name Lyndi Meyer, hurt the investigation, Harrison said.

“Social media can be very helpful … when people are doing it for the right reasons, which is to help the family out,” he said. “But she (DiSanto) didn’t do anything to make the case better. And she added confusion, so it was frustrating for us to go back and correct statements she made.”

Read the entire story here.


5 thoughts on “Former Legislator accused of hurting 2019 investigation into Serenity Dennard disappearance”

  1. This is ancient news of another of the many mentally unstable media seekers in this world.

  2. I see a lot of political extremists get a real estate position at “TREG” in Rapid City. Does anyone know the background of this agency? I want to start my own “conspiracy theory” investigation…..

  3. meh.. what she did was interview the adults who had let that child down over the years. The interviews were sympathetic. The child had a history of elopements (which is not unusual among neurodivergent clients) and the facility had inadequate security. Any facility which serves clients like that should have CCTV all over the place, alarms if not locks on the doors, that sort of thing.
    Saying that any third party is to blame for what happened or the failure to recover her is pretty sleazy.

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