From Facebook, Deutsch endorses Deb Peters

Here’s one indication of how awful Lora Hubbel is. Although she might be at 100% with their votes, even the President of SDRTL can’t stomach the possibility that the Hubble-craft could make another landing in Pierre:

10 thoughts on “From Facebook, Deutsch endorses Deb Peters”

  1. How on earth can the head of Right To Life endorse a pro-abortion RINO, even if her opponent is a nut? He should have just kept his mouth shut.

    1. I suspect because the views Lora espouses are not in line with his.

      Or the views of most other people on this planet, who aren’t confined in a facility.

    2. I agree. His first words were “As president of the South Dakota right to life…”

      But I’m not endorsing her as Chair of SDRTL.

      My yearly donation is not coming again. Dan Hargraves where are you? We miss you.

      Peters is the most pro-choice republican in Pierre.

  2. Fred, is entitled to his own opinion. First of all, SDRTL nor its PAC never officially endorses anyone. Fred’s endorsement is just his endorsement, and, again, he is entitled to that. By the same token what I am about to say about Senator Deb Peters does not necessarily represent any official stance by SDRTL or its PAC on behalf of its Vice President. Deb Peters is a terrible legislator concerning the issue of LIFE and various other issues. After she nearly lost her first primary with Lora, she went on a brief period of voting with us on LIFE legislation only to revert to her pro-abortion ways once it was obvious that she was going to be able to glide to reelection again. Proof positive that Deb Peters treats most issues and people as political pawns. She worked diligently to destroy sonogram legislation such as the one that is current law and accepted $10,000 checks from a Leftwing radical interests. She has since voted against numerous pieces of pro-life legislation including protecting women from abortion prepayment schemes, coercion to get an abortion, and 20-week old pain-capable unborn children. This is all rather ironic when one considers the reason she is so anti-LIFE. If I am not mistaken, it goes back to some misinformation that her doctor told her about her unborn child. Pat maybe you should look it up. It is in public record. She mentioned it several times speaking against the sonogram bills. We can all lament together is the sad irony. Deb Peters and Elle Spawn share that common thread of guilt and want to lash out at anyone they can relating to the issue. Deb’s mocking our testimony on Pain Capable out in the lobby of the conference rooms was a little less than professional to say the least, but that is the type of person she really is once you drill down below all the political pageantry. The whole situation is very sad. As to why SDRTL PAC did not actively spend on this race, Lora needed to be a more serious candidate, and here is another interesting nugget of information. The funds that we were going to spend on District 9 were diverted to the District 7 race. Oddly enough, Pat Powers’ insistence that we should not get involved in District 9 is one of the contributing reasons we are currently going after Larry in District 7. He was the obvious next best choice. I am sure Larry would be thrilled to know that. In conclusion, Lora is likely going to lose because her campaigning is terrible, Deb should thank her lucky stars that she keeps getting all these free passes because one day that is not going to continue, this is not an endorsement of Lora or Deb or Larry or anyone else by SDRTL, and Pat, just as I told you a few weeks ago, I still think of Deb Peters as a Judas. You and Fred may be the only Republicans who can stomach her.

    1. Spencer –

      Regarding your comment about “Pat Powers’ insistence that we should not get involved in District 9,” what on earth are you talking about?

      I’m not sure what magical influence you think I have over sdrtl, other than to point out that Lora Hubbel is a Republican hating nutjob. If you chose to waste money on D7 in an postcard that was both low quality, and ineffective, that’s your problem, not mine.

  3. Fred! You are no conservative! You Proabortion RINO supporting disgrace to the GOP!

    You too Powers! Shame on all of you for supporting Tidemann and Peters! There’s nothing Republican about either one.

  4. ❤️ Spencer Cody

    Thank you for taking a principled stand for babies and calling evil what it is.

    Let’s Hope God rewards their loyalty to corrupt politics for eternity.

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