GOP chair forum notes indicate if elected, Lee Qualm intends to weaponize party against vaccinations

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I hadn’t had this reported to me from the confederate county Republican GOP chair forum the other night. But in notes that were sent out last night there was a completely wild informational item that should give Republicans pause.

In the notes sent out, GOP chair hopeful Lee Qualm (whom at least a couple of his siblings don’t trust so much), apparently had indicated that he wants to take the South Dakota Republican Party down the same path which caused him to lose his 2020 election for State Senate in a 2/1  landslide.

What path am I talking about? His anti-vaxxer crusade.

Candidate 1 – Lee Qualm
Introduced himself and noted he would be calling everyone.


    • Educate State GOP and take a stand for/against vaccines – each measure should be studied and decisions based on Constitution and Platform. Provide information and use resources similar as to what has been done on RM 21 – petitions, radio ads, etc.

What… The..  _…?  Is this what the South Dakota Republican Party has been reduced to, just being considered a tool for crackpots and zealots to promote their pet issues?

One of the reasons Qualm lost his 2020 State Senate race was because he drowned himself in crazy anti-vaccination kool aid, and was the prime sponsor on Anti-vaxxer legislation House Bill 1235, that would not just have ended mandatory vaccination for school attendance, but made it a class one misdemeanor – that’s up to one year in jail – to require vaccinations such as for whooping cough, measles and polio for employees of nursing homes & state medical students.

Yet, according to the notes from the forum the other night, he allegedly wants to take over the Republican Party, send people out with petitions, and use the GOP to place radio ads for his pet anti-vaxxer cause.

Call me foolish, but I always thought the Republican Party exists to elect Republicans and not serve as somebody’s pet advocacy group! Maybe I’m shouting into the wind at this point, but you have to hope for people’s better judgement to NOT select this kind of agenda for the state’s largest political party.

If not? Then I will at least have a lot to write about over the next two years.

27 thoughts on “GOP chair forum notes indicate if elected, Lee Qualm intends to weaponize party against vaccinations”

    1. yes, Mr Dale, I have followed the data on the shot outcomes: hospitalizations and deaths from Covid-19 dropped dramatically.
      As of last May, 81% of South Dakotans have had at least one shot.
      81% of us. That’s a lot of people walking around like nothing happened.

      The remaining 19% are easily identifiable because they are all batshit crazy, worrying about condensation trails, nano particles in their Cheerios, and covert surveillance pigeons..

    2. Mr. Dale, you are listed as a Qualmite.
      You are on the anti-vaxer list.

      grudznick believes you are trying to kill grudznick’s grandaughter’s future children. grudznick will not buy you a steak when the Steerfish reopens.

  1. If I understand correctly, the party exists in its current state only to further Scott odenbach”s interests.

    1. When the Steerfish reopens, Mr. Odenbach, the Leprechaunish fellow, will no longer get free steaks, stogies, and bourbons. This will anger him…mark down grudznick’s words here with a black pencil and circle them with permanent marker.

  2. Cuckoo! Cuckoo! Crazy!

    How many SD legislators-elect that added their names to Aylward’s letter to Senator Thune are aligned with Qualm in his anti-vaxx beliefs?

    Vote for Qualm to be chair?

  3. Great. Just great. Why can’t politicians stay out of healthcare. Qualm has no business directing immunizations or women’s health.

    1. if women want politicians to stay out of their healthcare, they should pay for it themselves, all of it.
      That goes for men, too, if they don’t want politicians to direct their healthcare, they should pay for their own, too.

      When you make somebody else pay for something you want, you forfeit your right to decide any of it.
      You should have learned that when you were about two and your parents paid for the food you ate, and you didn’t have a choice. But then some people are slow learners..

      1. Get a load of this guy, absolutely no consent for the social contract. We’re talking about some nut job that wants to outlaw vaccine mandates. Mandates mind you, that keep kids from dying.

        “JuSt bUy iT yOuRsELf”

        Ok boomer.

      2. All of it? Are you saying that insurance shouldn’t exist? I’m trying to understand what your actual idea is here because it is so poorly stated.

        1. If you don’t want other people (government, insurance companies,) making health care decisions for you, you will have to pay for it yourself.
          The Canadians coming across the border for medical care they can’t get at home have figured it out.

          If you want somebody else to pay for your medical care, you will have to do what they tell you. That might require you to jump though hoops, try physical therapy for a year before getting orthopedic surgery, that sort of thing.

          1. Ah yes, just pony up $500k to pay for all of the medical expenses after a stroke, or a serious car wreck.

            Gotta be a troll or a moron.

            1. Reality sucks, doesn’t it?

              Insurance companies are already deciding what surgeries, tests, or drugs people can have, and have been making those decisions for years.
              This is what you sign up for: somebody else, a case manager, usually, decides what you should have done.

              If you don’t want somebody other than you and your doctor making your health care decisions, you will have to pay for it yourself.

  4. “Is this what the South Dakota Republican Party has been reduced to, just being considered a tool for crackpots and zealots to promote their pet issues?”

    No, this is what the National Republican Party has been reduced to.

  5. Whether it is the anti-science dictatorship of Fauci or the anti-science paranoia of Lee Qualm, it is nuts.

    Our mom’s taught us not saying anything if we couldn’t say something nice. They over-estimated us when they assumed they didn’t have to teach us to keep our mouths shut when all we had was idiocy in our heads.

  6. Pat has this delusion that republican rank and file, who make the SDGOP possible, Are republicans for the red ties not the issues.

    1. If you’re correct and the rank and file Republicans are more concerned with fighting for their issues than getting Republicans elected, then they will be the end of the SDGOP. They’ll kill the golden goose.

  7. I believe that when writing policy, especially if it has a negative impact that can hurt those who are vulnerable, a person should have a very solid reason to do so.

    There is a religious exemption that can be used in schools. People also can home school. No one is being held down to get a shot.

    For businesses, we are a right to work state, and those businesses can ask for a flu vaccine or. Covid vaccine if they wish. Especially healthcare businesses. People who care for nursing home residents and premature babies.

    Why do we even have to have this discussion. There are much bigger issues. Someone is just bitter about his two losses and wants to shove this down the throats of people yet again!

  8. I believe that when writing policy, especially if it has a negative impact that can hurt those who are vulnerable, a person should have a very solid reason to do so.

    There is a religious exemption that can be used in schools. People also can home school. No one is being held down to get a shot.

    For businesses, we are a right to work state, and those businesses can ask for a flu vaccine or. Covid vaccine if they wish. Especially healthcare businesses. People who care for nursing home residents and premature babies.

    Why do we even have to have this discussion. There are much bigger issues. Someone is just bitter about his two losses and wants to shove this down the throats of people yet again!

    1. unfortunately we have a whole lot of people whose employers told them to get vaccinated or get out, and they lost their jobs and are now complaining about having to accept the consequences of their own decisions.

      The employers are glad to be rid of them, since employees with poor-decision making often cause problems at work, especially if they complain about the consequences.
      All you have to do is listen to them complain that they lost their jobs because they wouldn’t get vaccinated and that was just so unfair, and you start to realize they probably thought showing up to work every day, on time, and wearing deodorant, was also an unfair expectation. Good riddance.

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