GOP Voter registration up, Mercer cites Lederman’s leadership

Reporter Bob Mercer had nice things to day this weekend on his blog about the job that SDGOP Chair Dan Lederman is doing when it comes to voter registration:

Republicans rose by more than 6,700 since the Jan. 2 report, while Democrats fell by more than 3,500. Republicans had statewide primary elections for governor and U.S. House nominations on June 5 that were highly competitive, while Democrats didn’t have contests in those races.

During that same stretch, independents rose by more than 1,700.

The numbers suggest Republicans have become more engaged again under their South Dakota chairman, Dan Lederman, than Democrats have under their chairwoman Ann Tornberg.

Read it all here.

14 thoughts on “GOP Voter registration up, Mercer cites Lederman’s leadership”

  1. Nice story. But that was certainly generous. Truth be told, there’s not more than 1 in 10 R’s that can tell you who the party chairman is. People register and switch based on their core beliefs, feelings about the opposite party, and/or feelings about current elected office holders.

    1. If you’re arguing few voters register because they know the chair’s name, you’re correct. That factor is not relevant to most. Dan’s success will be measured indirectly. If he does his job well, many South Dakotans will be motivated to join the party & vote. Good Republican candidates will succeed in November.

      7000 folks have registered and joined the party. We enjoyed record turnouts in the primary and at convention. Therefore, we infer Lederman is doing a great job. Yes, it could be luck. That a team wins doesn’t prove it’s well coached. It could be due to good players. But, usually, bad coaches (and bad party chairs) lose. We’ll see what transpires in November but, so far, the available evidence indicates Dan is a superb state chairman.

  2. I completely agree with Mercer. Dan is doing a terrific job! Our Convention was a huge success, we have strong candidates, and an energized voter base. Great work, Mr. Chairman!

  3. Lederman is the best Chair since Bob Gray in 2010.

    Who is the ED or political director?

    1. There is no ED but Dave Roetman (Minnehaha County Chair) has been acting as Fundraising Director. Dave has been carrying a lot of water.

  4. I think Lederman is doing a great job of getting the GOP message out there. Also, he brings to light the errors that the Dem leadership does, and takes court action when necessary. Dan can’t do it alone, he has great people helping him.

  5. As a County Republican Chair, I can say that Lederman sends me more emails and asks for me to work more than the previous state chair ever did.

    Lederman uses the advice and strength of the Central Committee to get things done.

  6. How to tell the difference between a conservative and a Republican ? If they support American’s for Prosperity.

    Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel sent a memo to donors, urging them to avoid bankrolling the libertarian network of Charles and David Koch. Americans for Prosperity.

    At what cost ?

  7. 1) This was the biggest GOP primary year in over a decade.
    2) People like myself reregistered as Rs to have a say in the primary.
    3) Lederman has nothing to do with it.

  8. As that old broken down MARINE says lots of Democrat infiltration in the ranks of the SDGOP. Plenty of Dems switched over to vote in Republican primaries like for Sherriff in Brown County.

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