Gov. Noem Invites California Gun Manufacturers to Move to SD 

Gov. Noem Invites California Gun Manufacturers to Move to SD

PIERRE, S.D. – Governor Kristi Noem invited California gun manufacturers and law-abiding gun owners to move to South Dakota to escape California’s gun and ammunition tax , which Governor Gavin Newsom signed as the first such tax in the country.

“Why would anyone want to live in a state where your Second Amendment rights are infringed?” said Governor Noem. “South Dakota has been setting the standard as the most Second-Amendment friendly state in the nation for years. Our firearms industry is thriving. Unlike Governor Newsom, South Dakota respects our God-riven rights. So if you are a California gun manufacturer or law-abiding gun owner, we are ready to help you make the move!”

South Dakota’s firearms industry has a total economic impact of $400 million. The state has the second-highest number of registered weapons per 100,000 residents of any state in the nation – this is over three times the nation average and seven times that of California. South Dakota’s concentration of employment in the firearms industry is also 77% higher than the national average and 177% higher than California’s.

Silencer Central has grown from being a local business with a small office space in Sioux Falls to having a national footprint. The gun shop now employs 165 team members and sold more than 100,000 silencers in 42 states last year. They opened their new 47,500-square-foot corporate office in Sioux Falls last June and have grown their staff from 17 to 175, including 120 onsite in Sioux Falls.

Cole-TAC relocated from New Hampshire to the Black Hills, bringing with it 40 jobs. Cole-TAC manufactures tactical accessories, include suppressor covers, ammo storage, hunting gear, and a variety or shooting accessories.

The first bill that Governor Noem ever signed into law guarantees Constitutional Carry for all law-abiding South Dakotans. South Dakota was also the first state to not charge a fee for a concealed carry permit, and it is one of the strongest states for “Stand Your Ground” laws.

State and local governments in South Dakota cannot use an emergency declaration as an excuse to infringe on Second Amendment rights. And, in April, Governor Noem signed an Executive Order blocking state agencies from contracting with large banks that engage in discrimination against firearm-related industries.

The Governor’s Office of Economic Development is equipped to help those interested in moving to South Dakota. You can find more information through Governor Noem’s “Freedom Works Here” website.


12 thoughts on “Gov. Noem Invites California Gun Manufacturers to Move to SD ”

  1. Thank you, Gov. Noem. It was only when you became Governor that the laws you mention were supported rather than being vetoed. You support for the 2nd Amendment is greatly appreciated.

  2. Governor…PLEASE STOP inviting the blue state residents to move here!! We have too many people moving here as it is and it’s not for the better. There is a reason those states are blue and those folks played a part in it!!

    1. maybe the dems aren’t making the guns. the governor should invite any california business who wants to move, to move here. just as long as the sweetheart deals and tax exemptions aren’t too outrageous. i’m very ok with this.

      1. Well, it may not have been this way in the past, but from my experience a coastal conservative is middle America liberal.

    2. Like it or not, there are quite a large number of good conservatives in that state. They’ve been disenfranchised long enough and thanks to fairy jerry and this abortion governor they may start to be heard. Don’t hold your breath but it’s possible.
      There are already at least 2 companies that have move here and they are the best at what the produce. Conservative management from CA and SD work force makes a very prosperous combination.

  3. I’m sure her message to businesses behind closed doors is all about how little they need to pay workers and that regulations and safety compliance is just called government overreach here and SD won’t be doing any of that.

    I’m sure she’ll even go with some pithy phrase like: “think sweatshops, but for guns” to make her pitch.

    1. Just a guess, you haven’t worked for a decent company in SD have you? If you’ve had that bad of time where you worked, you must be a meat cutter.

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