Governor-elect Kristi Noem’s Weekly Column: A Christmas Season of Gratitude

A Christmas Season of Gratitude
By Governor-elect Kristi Noem

The South Dakota Capitol is magical at Christmas time. Trees line the hallways, the air lingers with the scent of pine, carols echo through the chambers. I remember the first time I brought my family to the Capitol at Christmas. Booker was just little then, and he ran from corridor to corridor looking for Santa Clause. He was convinced he’d found the North Pole.

I’ve yet to find Santa’s Workshop in our capital city, but this season always reminds me how much I have to be grateful for.

I’m grateful for the men and women in law enforcement who selflessly put on their blues every morning – not knowing what the day will bring – with a willingness to serve no matter the call. I pray each day for their safety. Take time to thank a police officer this Christmas season.

I’m grateful for the bravest among us who serve our nation overseas. Earlier this month, I was honored to participate in an activation ceremony for more than 100 members of the South Dakota Army National Guard who will spend the next 10 months in Europe defending our freedoms. The ceremony was emotional. Little kids held close to their moms and dads knowing they wouldn’t get to spend Christmas with them this year. For some, it was their first time going overseas. Others had done the drill before. But each of them recognized their role in shaping history. Their service ensures we have the freedom to enjoy the opportunities that abound so richly in our state and country. I’m thankful for that. My prayers are with them and their families this Christmas time.

And ultimately, I’m grateful for the story of Christmas – the gift of Jesus, the incarnate word of God in a child. He is our opportunity for salvation, the invitation for a reunion with God. Come, let us adore him.

From my family to yours, Merry Christmas.

3 thoughts on “Governor-elect Kristi Noem’s Weekly Column: A Christmas Season of Gratitude”

  1. Neat to have three great governors in a row (Rounds, Daugaard and Noem) who are free to share their faith and love of family. I absolutely love Gov Daugaard’s story of his deaf parents too.

    1. I’ve never seen any other man turn every occasion into an excuse to talk about himself the way Daugaard does.

      1. Well, his fellow Chicago lawyer, Obama, does the same thing. Curious if they met back when they were both Chicago Democrats?

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