36 thoughts on “Governor Kristi Noem on ABC’s This Week… on COVID and the Election”

  1. It’s interesting that I can disagree with most of what Governor Noem is saying about the vote count and still enjoy watching her foil the attempted ambush by Stephanopoulos.

  2. If you can truly compare NY to SD, then we need to take a second look at her win in 2018, because she only won by 11,000 votes. Just sayin.

  3. Can anyone tell me when we changed the standard on election fraud needing to be “widespread” before it is even worth looking into? How much fraud does it take to meet the standard of “widespread”? 3 states or cities or precincts? 5? 10? This term is being used by many more than just here, by the press and by the left, as justification to turn our head and look away.

    1. I guess it needs to be widespread enough to possibly change any results. That does not seem to be the case. If the Dems were actually cheating I think they’d flip the Senate too.

      1. Could be that the Dems didn’t pay for those votes … just the Biden ones. ?? just a thought. Ballots were filled out for only Biden … silly people, voting for the whole ballot of candidates without being paid. smh

      2. How does one candidate suddenly get 134,000 votes to 0 in one state and about 70,000 votes to 0 in another state? That seems to be enough to flip a state. There are also affidavits indicating backdating of ballots and people who do not live in the state voting. It is not a case of “if” the Democrats are actually cheating. It is a matter of how much the Democrats are cheating. BTW, ask John James if he believes his Senate seat was stolen from him.

          1. It has been all over the news. duckduckgo it. You either believe the stories are credible or don’t. Check them out and you decide.

              1. If you are too lazy, then you can just drop dead. It is out there if you care to look. I know CNN does not have anything, but just take your head out of the part of you that might break your neck if you sit down too fast and look.

                1. It took copying and pasting some of what you said and behold, up pops several articles and videos. Giuliani was on Newsmax today presenting evidence for the legal battle.

                  Looks like @12:23 is lazy. 5G isn’t fast enough for them!

                  1. And there it is. Newsmax is not a legit source. Being on the internet doesn’t make it true.

                    1. The CDC is on the internet, so that doesn’t make what they say true either?

                      Newsmax had an interview with Giuliani. The lawyer who is filling lawsuits.

                      Sarah Eaglesfield caught the VA “glitch” in real-time. At 5:12 AM the state lost 169,000 votes from 5:07 AM to 5:12 AM in the morning.

                      But, since Sarah is on the internet she may not be real?

  4. Beginning with a sharp right hand that bloodied Cuomo’s lip then standing firm for electoral justice in the face of Georgie’s rude interruption, ABC couldn’t get Governor Noem off the screen fast enough.
    We are blessed!

  5. Micheal Held is correct.

    How much tax fraud has to happen for it to be invetigated and prosecuted? How much robbery? How much rape?

    We live in a nation of laws where law breakers are brought to justice. Even if there is not enough to change the results, justice demands these charges be investigated (a lot more evidence here than Trump colluding with Russia).

    We also live in a country where we have the right to petition our government via the courts. Trump has the same rights of everyone else.

    Finally, Biden wants unity and to govern us all. He could put action behind that “promise” by allowing an investigation into voter fraud to be vetted so all Americans have confidence he is a legitimate President.

    1. So, any hairbrained claim the internet can concoct should be investigated because unity? Please. Mail in ballots broke late, JUST LIKE EVERYONE SAID THEY WOULD, and yet you still claim fraud. This was so, so predictable.

      1. I’m starting to wonder why you are so resistant to an investigation. I claim nothing more than wanting an investigation. We put up with your Trump-Russian collusion investigation.

        I’m starting to think the liberals know there is more than smoke. You are protesting too much.

      2. People who write “hairbrained” rather than “harebrained” seem more harebrained.

        A claim on the internet should be investigated when the person making the claim risks perjury with a sworn affidavit.

  6. The Federal Government can mandate country wide fuel standards, automobile safety standards, drug standards, airplane entry standards, education standards, marriage standards, abortion standards, citizenship standards, tax standards, electronic standards, etc.; but don’t have the intellectual reasoning to put out national election standards.
    We as a country have failed.

    1. Every member of Congress promises to defend the Tenth Amendment when he or she takes office, but many of the standards you’ve listed blatantly violate it.

  7. If Governor Noem wants a fair shot at the presidency, she would find it wise to continue her stand for legal and honest elections. Americans, no matter where they are on the political spectrum, know there are some serious voting irregularities that are deeply alarming.

      1. Is this more your style…

        2016: “Russia hacked the elections to get Trump in! ”
        2017: “Russia hacked the elections to get Trump in! ”
        2018: “Russia hacked the elections to get Trump in! ”
        2019: “Russia hacked the elections to get Trump in! ”
        2020: “Elections can’t be hacked!, Voter fraud doesn’t exist!”

    1. Staffer?

      There are probably places on the political spectrum where Americans don’t know about the irregularities.

      1. You are probably right. It would be people who watch mainstream media news. I just saw a poll that indicated 36% of Biden voters had no knowledge of his, ahem, alleged China issues.

        1. Do you know how many Biden voters had no knowledge of him giving the eulogy of KKK recruiter Robert Byrd? Ouch.

      2. Not a staffer. Thanks though, maybe the office will ask for my IP address and hook-me up!! I am an American who watched a travesty take place and are asking the people who represent us stand up to corruption.

  8. I wish George Stephanopoulos would have had a chance to ask Kristi Noem the question… “You recently said that the increase in COVID cases in South Dakota was due to a tripling in testing. But cases have gone up 20 – 30 times. Just how exactly does that compute?”

    She would likely blame it on that “regional” rise in cases. She should know, she is responsible for most of it.

    1. Who continues to tell you our governor is responsible for your health choices?

      Even your doctor is not responsible for what you do concerning your health. Let’s say… your doctor sees you’re over-weight and close to developing diabetes. They can make suggestions and provide information about how you can get back to a healthy weight so to prevent you from developing a life-threatening disease.

      What they cannot do is buy your food and then force you to eat it or purchase a gym membership for you and force you to use it.

      1. Poor choices killed my friend’s mother. And hundreds more.

        This is a pandemic. Requiring masks for the next few months until the vaccine is available, so we can prevent most of these illnesses and deaths, is reasonable. I don’t like wearing them either, but it’s certainly reasonable and rational.

  9. For eight months, I’ve been taking my temperature twice a day because it is the best early indicator one may be infected. I don’t know how many still do it.

    I’ve been washing my hands. Eight months ago, the water was always not in my office’s bathroom. Now it is back to normal (BTW, if the gals were still doing it, I’d still have hot water in my bathroom).

    I daily take a hay fever pill (even though I don’t like how it makes me feel) so I don’t dismiss Covid symptoms as allergies.

    I’ve been using sanitizer. I notice sanitizer is now an item in the bins where things are basically given away.

    I am a hugger but I seldom hug and I stay 6 feet away if I’m going to have extended conversation.

    My point: If you aren’t doing the above, your mask is just giving the vulnerable a false sense of safety, which is a form of deception. I know some of the most aggressive on mask mandates don’t do the above.

    If you aren’t going to the things I list at the top, it would be more honest to be maskless so people know you aren’t pretending to be a safe person.

    This disease kills the vulnerable. Except for the asymptomatic (which isn’t that large of a percentage as originally thought because if it was we’d be close to herd immunity by now (it’s science and statistics in case you are wondering)), on average, a person is infectious for less than 1% of a year without knowing it. And, if the person is washing and socially distancing or staying home and staying away from the vulnerable, we’d have have less than 10% of our current deaths.

    My point: The discussion about masks is distracting us from the most effective ways to save lives.

  10. A new study by The Lancet suggests that as many as 20 percent of surviving COVID patients are diagnosed with a mental condition within 90 days. If proven true, it adds another alarming cost to the disease, on top of all of the deaths and other long-term complications.

    Allowing this to spread is a huge mistake. Discouraging preventative measures, like Kristi Noem has, is likely to prove catastrophic for many years to come. This is such a shame especially considering that a vaccine may be coming in a few months.

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