Governor Kristi Noem’s Weekly Column: A Budget for the People 

A Budget for the People 
By: Gov. Kristi Noem  
December 6, 2024    

Our state motto is “Under God, the People Rule.” During my time as Governor, I have always kept my budget proposals focused on our people, not government programs. Every dollar that we invest – every policy that we support – should be focused on our people, on making them safer, stronger, and freer. Our budgets should always focus on our core priorities. That is what I have done in my first six years as governor, and that is what South Dakota will continue to do.

One of the things that makes me proudest is how strong we have made South Dakota’s economy. When I first ran for governor, I saw an economy that needed to grow. Our young people were leaving the state. Our businesses weren’t thriving. And major projects weren’t moving here. But I knew we had an opportunity to turn South Dakota around. My budget proposal will continue to invest in our schools, state employees, and our healthcare providers. I am recommending a 1.25% increase for these three – this should keep us ahead of the increase in inflation. We are not going back to the days when our kids, providers, and employees are left behind.

I have prioritized education over the last six years, and we will continue to do that with this year’s budget. I am proposing that we invest $4 million to establish Education Savings Accounts for South Dakota students. This investment will pay for a portion of private school tuition or curriculum for alternative education – beginning with about $3,000 per-student. We want those students to receive the education that’s best for them and to have the Freedom to do so. My budget also invests $10 million in one-time funds over five years to create school safety grants that will support identified security upgrades and protect the next generation of South Dakotans.

In my time as Governor, I am proud of the work that we have done to support the public health of South Dakotans. Every citizen in our state should have the Freedom to live where they want and the opportunity to have good health outcomes – even if they choose a rural lifestyle. My budget accomplishes this by investing $1.2 million in our regional mental health facilities so the South Dakotans can get appropriate help closer to home. And I recommend a $1.5 million investment into Agency with Choice to provide greater care for South Dakotans utilizing our developmental disability services. 

One of the core responsibilities of the government is to guarantee the safety and security of our people – to protect their rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I am proud of all that we have done in the last six years to improve the safety of our people. My budget accomplishes this by meeting the remaining need of $182 million to fully fund the new men’s prison. Doing this will save $600 million in taxpayer dollars over the long-run.

This budget will reflect the 136th consecutive balanced budget for our state. My budget cuts spending in wise, targeted ways to achieve balance. And I am proposing further steps to strengthen our financial systems and make sure that we are transparent with taxpayer dollars.

Our state is an example of fiscal responsibility; of limited government; of what can be accomplished when we trust in our people and respect their Freedom. And the results prove our approach is correct. I am proud of the budget that we have put together this year for the people of South Dakota.


12 thoughts on “Governor Kristi Noem’s Weekly Column: A Budget for the People ”

  1. Thank you Governor Noem! Satanic Temple affiliated schools have experienced rapid growth in states where taxpayer funded vouchers for private religious schools have been signed into law.

    These education savings accounts will help our new young Devil’s Advocate studies.

    1. Ooh good call. Satanic Temple sent some nice materials to some local churches on my behalf and I’m a proud supporter of their mission.

    2. As a Witch, grudznick knows that no government money comes to the churches I favor. If your god needed money, he could create it.


  3. State supported school segregation. It will allow the elite “I do not want my kids going to school with those kids so give me my tax money back so I can home school (pocket the cash) or private school (for free).”

    But of course the home school children will still want their child to participate in extracurricular activities.

  4. Paying for a portion of private school tuition, $3000,should be individual parent’s responsibility and choice. Private school education should not be a public responsibility to fund.

  5. Ok,
    I’ll try this again
    Governor Noems first line is
    “Under God The People Rule”.
    Unless she doesn’t like the outcome from the
    Reference November, 2022.
    The people of South Dakota voted to legalize
    Non-Medical cannabis.
    Free and fair election by THE PEOPLE.
    Caught off guard, she hatched a plan by
    recruiting two Circus Fleas to carry her water.
    Rick Miller, Head of the SD Highway Patrol and Kevin Thoms , Pennington County Sheriff.
    On her behalf, a lawsuit was filed using the single
    subject rule to split hairs and have her appointed
    Judge Kristina Klinger to overturn the will of
    By the way, prior to that there were other bills that
    had multiple subjects that passed with no issues.
    So, as far as any of you are concerned, Under God the People Rule is about as true to her as
    her meeting with Kim Jong Un.

    1. And what was the result of cannabis vote this last election…you know a free and fair election? Oh that’s right, cannabis was rejected.

    2. It was unconstitutional. That’s what happens when out of state groups write the bills/proposals. Either we follow the constitution or we don’t. In that case, we did. End of story.

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