Governor Kristi Noem’s Weekly Column: Appreciating Teachers

Appreciating Teachers
By: Governor Kristi Noem
May 3, 2024

May 6th – 10th is Teacher Appreciation Week, a time to celebrate our educators and thank them for everything they do for our students.

But there’s an ongoing problem in South Dakota – teacher salaries have not kept up with increased funding to education. In fact, teacher pay lags far behind the 26.3% increase in funding to K-12 education since I have been Governor. Our teachers deserve better – so we’re giving them better.

My administration recognizes and appreciated the many contributions of our teachers every single day, and this legislative session we placed a special focus on educators. I was proud to sign SB 127, which establishes a minimum teacher salary and revises the requirements pertaining to average teacher compensation. The new law requires districts to meet a minimum annual teacher salary of at least $45,000. It also requires districts to keep pace with annual increases in state funding. This will ensure that teachers do not get left behind like they have far too often.

Rapid City was one school district that was lagging behind in teacher pay, but now, they recently announced they would meet the $45,000 minimum beginning this fall – two years ahead of the deadline! I am so glad this law is already creating a lasting impact on teachers in our schools.

It took a lot of hard work to get this important legislation across the finish line and to my desk. Together, we are making sure that teachers receive the pay they deserve. The Blue-Ribbon promise to increase teacher pay and to make teachers a top priority is now being upheld.

This session, we also made sure our teachers will be equipped to deliver the most proven model of literacy teaching to our kids as the drop in literacy rates is a challenge to schools across America. HB 1022 makes an appropriation to the Department of Education to provide teachers with the latest tools for professional development in literacy. This works with my Department of Education’s statewide literacy initiative based on the Science of Reading. It includes an emphasis on phonics, which is the proven best way to teach kids how to read. This legislation funds the continuation of this fantastic effort.

Our teachers do so much more than educate our kids. They teach them life skills. They help them grow and develop. And they care for them. Young minds grow and develop.

This Teacher Appreciation Week, I encourage you to reach out to the teachers in your life, whether they be your kids’ teachers, a friend or family member, or even a former teacher of your own who made a lasting impact. Thank them for all that they do. And let them know just how important we know they are.

To our South Dakota teachers, thank you for caring for and educating the next generation.


37 thoughts on “Governor Kristi Noem’s Weekly Column: Appreciating Teachers”

  1. Yes, we are getting a real “education” again this week…

    WASHINGTON (AP) — South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem described in a new book having met with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un during her time in Congress. But her office said Friday that the story of the meeting was an error as further scrutiny was put on the Republican governor’s life story. (5/3/24)

    “Error”? Hardly.

    We are in for yet another week of embarrassing Kristi Noem headlines. Please, please, please… somebody call Governor Rhoden.

    1. Given her record on not supporting teachers, revising history to push political indoctrination forcing Hillsdale Standards on our educators, executing Cricket and a Billy Goat being a minor annoyance, attacking the press, and most of all her embrace of Authoritarianism I could see a future for Kristi Noem in North Korea. Kristi Noem Minister of Truth and Education for the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK)? North Korea is part of the Axis of Evil.

      1. Who invents stories like this?

        She wrote elaborate, self-serving details. So many people had to know it wasn’t true. Like… virtually all of her staff. There was no way it would go unchallenged.

        What is wrong with her?

        1. The truth is I that she does not surround herself with anyone that tells her no. She is the best and smartest and you shouldn’t challenge her.

          And the reality is that she probably didn’t even proof or edit whatt the ghostwriter wrote. Nor did many of her staff.

          May 7 was supposed to be a huge day for her when the book released. No Going Back now.

  2. The Governor needs to go hide on a beach, with as little communication with the outside world as possible, for a solid week and hope something knocks her out of the headlines.

  3. The book publisher is going to be changing future printings with a correction for the Kim meeting. Ouch

  4. She DID meet Kim, the goat was carniverous, and Cricket masterminded 9/11.

  5. With the education press release for Governor Noem it is not all bad. SNL writers are already at work creating a spot for Kristi Noem on SNL co-starring in skits with Jon Lovitz with new cast members George Santos and Kristi Noem. Look! She never had any interest in governing anyway. Might as well use the opportunity and transition into comedy and actually get paid for it.
    SNL Liars 2024
    It will be educational and could be used for classroom material here in South Dakota.

  6. I’m not sure what’s going on here. She’s never been a supporter of teachers, administrators, or school board members, to my best recollection…just doesn’t seem to like public education for anything but a photo opportunity.`

      1. Lol, so now we are blaming the backlash on misogyny. You Noem supporters have almost as few scruples as she does. Ttying to deflect a clear liar and sadistic dog owner ny accusing amyone who has a problem with it of bad acts. You and Ed Randazzo attend the same school for idiots?

  7. Noem supports SD teachers? Since when? When she needed to not be a national pariah?

    Between the puppy murdering, goat rage-shooting (and missing), lying about meeting foreign leaders, lying about reading her own book, lying about her ghostwriter and editors, lying about her staff, and constantly trying to go back and rewrite her own history you’d think she’d quit with the lies, fire Ian Fury and the rest of her inept media team, and do some actual damage control.

    1. That would require a degree of self-awareness and humility well beyond anything she’s ever demonstrated.

    1. What’s the matter snowflake, can’t handle it when the governor gets criticized for valid reasons? Don’t see any of these comments basing their argument that it’s because she is merely a woman.

  8. Obviously the book was a huge mistake.

    But as for supporting teachers, if you haven’t figured it out by now, teachers could be paid a million dollars a year, the school year could be cut from 9 months down to six, the work week could be reduced from 5 days to 3, and teachers would still complain that nobody works as hard as they do for so little money.
    I have been listening to these complaints for over 50 years. My high school math teacher complained to the class. Everybody currently working as a teacher grew up hearing about what a lousy career choice it is, and chose it anyway. “It’s a cushy job and you can make lots of money,” said no one ever.

  9. Meanwhile Former Republicans/Anti-MAGA over at the Bullwork and other social media sites across the nation wonder how Kristi Noem was ever elected to office. That again places South Dakota in a negative light and is an embarrassment which does not reflect well on us.

    Career IMPLOSION!? Kristi Noem’s Own Book Continues to SINK Her | The Secret Podcast Preview

  10. Noem’s book title… No Going Back: The Truth on What’s Wrong with Politics and How We Move America Forward

    The “Truth”? Not even close.

    “What’s Wrong with Politics”? Kristi… you hit it out of the park!

      1. Don’t miss this one.

        I just watched today’s Face the Nation interview. You should too. I don’t even know where to begin with that train wreck. Somebody needs to tell Noem to stop. Just stop.

        This was truly embarrassing.

        1. Train wreck is a great description. Why did she go on this show? Really one bad decision after another. Maybe a little more Botox will fix everything.

          1. I do believe she can pivot in her career by joining George Santos on a comedy club tour and do a reboot skit on SNL “Liars”. Kristi Noem and George Santos have a lot in common.

  11. So… I was thinking… since facts clearly don’t matter to her, at least she could have the courtesy to say that she’s the governor of NORTH Dakota.

    1. I know. The interview on Face the Nation every few minutes the chyron would give her location as Watertown SD, and the only thing I can think of was ‘did she really have to paint a target on 0ur backs identifying my hometown as the epicenter of animal cruelty and brain dead stupidity? We don’t claim her. Don’t want her and wish we could banish her from our presence like the tribes have done.

  12. Can you really call a book “No Going Back”, it you have to make the publisher reprint it to remove a fictitious story that you knew about? Or did she just have her brain turned off when recording the audiobook?

    1. This week on some ridiculous backtrack she will claim the title references her courageous battle with two bulging discs.

  13. “That dog’s a menace to the community. I’m taking him to the sheriff and make sure he’s destroyed.”

    Oh, don’t be a liberal namby-pamby, Miss Gulch. I’ll show you how this is done in South Dakota.

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