Governor Kristi Noem’s Weekly Column: Paving a Path for Economic Progress 

Paving a Path for Economic Progress
By Governor Kristi Noem 

A programmer can’t do her job without a computer. A farmer can’t do his job without a combine. A photographer can’t get the job done without a camera.

This year, you’ve heard me say that South Dakota is open for business. It’s true. But if we’re going to create jobs that keep our kids here at home, we have to equip South Dakota with the tools that businesses need to thrive. We have to pave the way for economic growth.

Throughout this legislative session, you’ve heard me set a renewed focus on cleaning up areas of government that hold back economic progress. I’ve signed bills into law that reduce regulations and make it easier for people to get to work. I testified on a bill that creates a fair, consistent county zoning process for the businesses wanting to create careers in our communities. These are tools that set us up for economic progress and will help us welcome new industries into our state.

Another critical tool is high-speed internet. In today’s marketplace, businesses require high-speed connection to stay competitive, market their product or service, or reach new clients. It’s not an optional add-on that businesses can function without – it’s a necessary tool.

Last year, we made a great first step in our efforts to ensure every South Dakotan has access to quality broadband. Working with the legislature, I allocated $5 million to be used as matching funds for broadband improvement. Our investment saw a five-to-one return – connecting 6,500 homes and nearly 150 businesses.

A piece of this story that doesn’t often get told is that we didn’t do this alone. With the help of industry leaders and federal investment, we were able to identify our gaps and outline a plan to bridge them.

At the end of February, Mona Thompson, the General Manager of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe Telephone Authority, told me about a teacher in Timber Lake who would send videos to her students. Students would have to start downloading the video before they left for school, and when they’d come home from school, it’d still be downloading. “The quality of internet was slow as molasses,” she said, but because of the state’s partnership in securing broadband for her area, internet is now “as fast as lightning.”

I’m proud of the work we’ve done, but it’s just a drop in the bucket. This year, I have requested another $5 million to continue equipping businesses in every corner of our state with this necessary tool for growth. Working with the legislature, I’m confident we can find a way to secure broadband to develop the next generation of South Dakota communities and pave the way for economic progress.


One thought on “Governor Kristi Noem’s Weekly Column: Paving a Path for Economic Progress ”

  1. Did you see Deutsch call her out on Facebook? That’s a big story to have head of right to life separate from the gop governor.

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