Governor Kristi Noem’s Weekly Column: South Dakota’s Treats this Halloween Season

South Dakota’s Treats this Halloween Season
By Governor Kristi Noem
October 29, 2021

It’s Halloween weekend and there is a seasonal chill in the air. There’s also a chill affecting American confidence in our economy. With an unfocused White House in charge, gas prices climbing, and supply chain issues clogging our ports, many Americans feel like the country has become a House of Horrors with a new crisis lurking around every corner.

A recent Gallup poll found Americans’ confidence in the economy is dropping back to levels not seen since the pandemic started. . The downturn in confidence began building as early as June this year when COVID cases began to creep back up in parts of the country. Yet, the recent decline in COVID cases has not produced a corresponding uptick in consumer confidence.

It started with questions regarding the pandemic management and vaccine mandates has morphed into a cascade of crises that the Biden Administration appears powerless to understand let alone successfully address. The Administration’s terribly executed withdrawal from Afghanistan. Tens of thousands of migrants flooding the southern border and then being shipped throughout the country by the federal government—sometimes in the dead of night. These disasters were followed by an attack on parents by the National School Board Association. Rising inflation has left the American family with less money in their wallets.

Fortunately, every scary story has a hero. More and more, Americans are turning to Conservatives for economic solutions. A Gallup poll released earlier this month found that Americans “by significant margins” view Republicans as better at protecting the nation and ensuring the country remains prosperous. Those margins are the largest they’ve been since 2014 — when there was a different Democrat occupying the White House.

South Dakota has been the best example of what happens when you get the government out of the way. While many Americans were tricked into believing the current administration would “build back better,” South Dakotans have been treated fairly by exercising their Constitutional rights. We have certainly faced challenges over the last 18-months, however, South Dakota is far from the economic terrors playing out in other states.

We have about 700 people on unemployment — marking one of the lowest unemployment rates in the nation. And we currently have 40 jobs available for every person on unemployment.

We’re also rated by WalletHub as the best state to find a job, top 3 for economic health, and one of the best states that provide opportunities for working moms. We’re also in the top 10 for health care, costs for health care, and work environment for nurses. Those are key stats with Americans still viewing the pandemic as the greatest problem facing our nation.


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