Governor Noem announces book to be released this summer

From Twitter, Governor Noem is announcing her authorship of a book that will be coming out this summer.

31 thoughts on “Governor Noem announces book to be released this summer”

    1. Ah yes, a book written by a ghost writer. I am sure it will be full of insightful, life changing perspectives that could be only experienced by our Governor. Only if I could rise up to the highest powers of Government, to place myself in Rodeos carrying the American flag – a position usually reserved for pageant winners – to show how ‘merican I am. I am sure, after I read that book, I will laugh, I will cry, and that book will become a part of ME.

  1. Not My First Surge

    The end of the Sturgis rallies over the last two years – just happen to be the exact start of our Covid surges. Packing 500,000 maskless folks in a small town for ten days? Who could have known? She rode into Sturgis on her horse and rode out on denial.

    And please don’t forget… South Dakota has a higher Covid death rate than any of the six states that surround us. A lot higher than some. What chapter will that be in?

      1. You don’t know that we have the worst death rate in the region? You don’t know that a million Americans will die of Covid?

        Those are facts. Your “chicken little”… and you… deal in something else.

        1. And time and time again several posters have asked you to provide the link/study/data to prove your claim and guess what you don’t or won’t or CAN’T do it. Just because you think you are the all knowing and all seeing doesn’t mean the rest of us do….chicken little.

          1. Try googling “covid death rate by state”. It’s really not that hard. I am pretty sure you have access to the internet.

        2. The mortality rate has more to do with the percentage of Vikings in the population.
          Vikings carry the CCR5 delta-32 mutation. This explains the low mortality rates seen in places like Iceland and Norway.
          It has nothing to do with policy, it’s genetic. Deal with it.

            1. So Anne… did you or did you not notice the huge surge in the Black Hills, especially near Sturgis, immediately after the Rally?

              1. nope didn’t notice a huge surge after the rally. But there was one right after Halloween 2020. That was a big one.

                August 16, 2020 there were 66 people hospitalized
                August 16, 2021 there were 73 people hospitalized.
                Those were your Sturgis surges. Big whoop.

                But November 10, 2020, there were 607 hospitalized.
                By November 16, 2020, that number had dropped to 560. That was the Halloween surge. We had a smaller
                Halloween surge in 2021 with 236 hospitalized.

                Halloween has got Sturgis beat, 2 years in a row.
                All those kids going house to house in costumes must be really killer.
                If you can derive some causation from the temporal correlation, go for it.

                1. Anne writes…”nope didn’t notice a huge surge after the rally.”

                  You like to throw around precious words like “temporal correlation” but you refuse to acknowledge the facts staring you in the face. You can use all the syllables you want, Anne, it still won’t hide that lack of candor.

  2. It’s basically a requirement to write a book if you’re running for President. My favorites were the ones by Rick Santorum.

    1. I doubt she is going for president when she barely gets mentioned at cpac. She is a nobody and slowly going the way of Palin.

      1. That won’t stop her… if she doesn’t run she won’t go to fundraisers and actually have to govern and we know she isn’t good at that!

  3. Anne Beal writes: “The mortality rate has more to do with the percentage of Vikings in the population.”

    Uh. Hmm. Sure, Anne.

    1. yes. if you are homozygous for the CCR5 delta 32 you are immune to HIV. The virus simply can’t enter your cells, and Big Pharma wants your stem cells.
      If you are heterozygous for it you are resistant to HIV. Onset of AIDS is delayed by years after infection with HIV.
      Its role in other infectious diseases is being investigated.
      It is most commonly found in Norway and Iceland and is believed to have originated in a Viking between the 8th and 10th centuries.
      Norway and Iceland have remarkably low covid mortality, and a very high incidence of the mutation. Just a fact.
      It’s genetic. It’s about as politically incorrect as you can possibly imagine. Too bad if you don’t like it.

    2. Elk, I forgot to mention the Faroe Islands. Lots of Vikings. Highest incidence of homozygous delta 32 people in the world. Almost everybody has at least one copy of the allele.
      It took a while but after two years they have recorded 24 deaths due to covid out of about 33,000 cases.
      Vikings. States with lots of Vikings have the lowest death rates. Deal with it.

        1. As a result of the 2021 Sturgis party, Covid cases jumped over twenty times as high in Meade County from the first week in August to the last. 20 times higher! About ten times higher in the rest of that area.

          But it must be because of the lack of Vikings… or something. Yes, yes. Thanks for the valuable lesson, Anne.

  4. “How to be an ineffective governor but get a book deal and get on Fox constantly 101” would have been a better title

  5. Then show a link for the documented data to back up YOUR assertion….oh that’s right, chicken little can’t do that because he/she/it doesn’t have any.

        1. Funny, I would thing the Covid monitor would have been Anne, with all that Viking stuff… I mean damn, lets get on importing more Nords to SD… that will fix the problem. Sorry for all the folks that are not Vikings. Damn my Scottish heritage.

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