16 thoughts on “Governor Noem criticizes Biden over Keystone XL Cancellation”

  1. Will Keystone XL be mentioned in her new book? I can already see her book at rummage sales and pages used for kitty litter boxes. Rabbits and other small pet mammals will love it too for bedding in their cages.

  2. Keystone could have ramped up on Day 1 of the Trump adminstration in 2017. It certainly would have been built within the four years. Why not? Economic reasons related to oil prices – even pre-COVID. So, if she repeats a deeply flawed statement over and over again, it makes it true. Sounds like the “flood the zone with s**t” coming straight out of the Trump-Bannon playbook.

    1. Kristi has always supported medical marijuana………

      Maybe she just read 1984 and is deploying the tactics of Big Brother, East Asia has always been at war with Eurasia….

  3. yesterday Jen Psaki said “..he (Biden) is going to do everything he can to reduce the impact on energy costs for the American people.”

    That’s a lie. He’s doing nothing.
    This issue isn’t about Noem, it’s about Biden’s energy policy and it’s BS.

    1. Anne, you’re old enough to know better.

      Noem will say anything to become VP, whether it’s true or not has no bearing.

      1. and you don’t want to address Biden’s energy policy, because you know it’s BS.

        I don’t know or care if Noem wants to be VP or not.
        I don’t know why anybody would want that job, and it’s curious that nobody who claims that’s what she’s hoping to get ever explains why anybody would want it.
        Why don’t you start with THAT? Tell us why anybody would want that job.

        1. Easy, she wants the VP gig because that’s her only shot at the top job. As a small state candidate she doesn’t have the financial backing that a candidate like DeSantis, Cruz, or Rubio would. She can’t mount a national campaign and reasonably expect to compete. She can, however, tick enough of the right boxes to fill the VP roll for Trump or DeSantis topping the ticket.

          As for energy policy, Keystone XL would only increase our supply of canadian sour, which is more expensive to refine and that price would end up getting passed on to consumers. Tar sands are inefficient, and we’d be better off spending American dollars on American energy sources than for 3rd-rate Canadian sludge.

          1. the question of “why would anybody want that job?” reminded me of a song and dance in the totally cringe-worthy production of “Diana, the Musical,” titled “The Worst Job in England.”

            Could be adapted for the VPOTUS. It would actually be entertaining.

  4. Is she pro Putin? Serious question. Trump called him a genius. The line between positions can get tighten quickly. Is team Kristi ready for that? Sadly my guess is not. So while no fan of Biden I expect her to prattle on blissfully unaware of the world’s goings-on.

  5. There is another pipeline that was cancelled by biden. The East Med pipeline that would have supplied parts of Europe with natural gas from reserves in the Mediterranean Sea.

    All the while he lifts sanctions on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. Makes one wonder what dirt Putin has on biden.

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