Governor Noem Signs Executive Order to Extend COVID-19 Emergency Declaration

Governor Noem Signs Executive Order to Extend COVID-19 Emergency Declaration

PIERRE, S.D. – Today, Governor Kristi Noem signed an extension of her previous executive orders to continue South Dakota’s fight against the spread of COVID-19.

The new Executive Order (EO 2020-15) extends Governor Noem’s initial State of Emergency declaration from March 13th.  A State of Emergency declaration allows the governor to activate certain emergency powers so that the governor and state agencies can respond to this emergency to the fullest extent necessary and use all resources available to fight the virus’ spread.  The Executive Order also clarifies that other previous executive orders are extended through the duration of this emergency.

The State of Emergency in South Dakota is now extended until May 31, 2020.

To learn more about executive orders to fight the COVID-19 pandemic, please visit


8 thoughts on “Governor Noem Signs Executive Order to Extend COVID-19 Emergency Declaration”

  1. Herd mentality, what works in Sioux Falls does not work in Lemmon, Smithfield foods has it under control, embrace therapeutic treatment, the legislature voted against giving cities and counties more authority, would need to shelter in place until October, stop watching the national news, statewide day of prayer, spend hours each day looking at the models, the models change all the time and so the information cannot be shared, gonna change should to shall, if you watched my conference on Friday.

    Either we will all begrudgingly agree that she was a genius, or the dumbest Governor we ever had. Certainly no Bill Janklow.

  2. I don’t have the authority to do what is being asked, its a local decision, I have been telling you all along what I intended to do, I have established the parameters, it is within the parameters, I have been telling you for weeks…..

    The quotables just keep on coming.

  3. We are 46th in the nation for COVID 19 hospitalizations, there are 190 COVID 19 positive tests from Smithfield Foods in Sioux Falls.

    That is awesome! We actually have a bigger hot spot than New York…..don’t compare us to New York!

  4. Smithfield in SF is the #4 hot spot in the whole country for this.

    *everything is fine**

  5. Noem and the Mayor of SF have really s**t the bed on this. Really weak leadership. Asking a company to close after hundreds test positive in a worldwide pandemic. Asking? The Mayor is much too thin skinned to be in politics and Noem looks afraid to tell businesses operating in the State what actions they must take. She’s the damn Governor for cripes sake. Show some spine.

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