Governor Noem To Host Trick-or-Treat Festivities at Governor’s Residence

Governor Noem To Host Trick-or-Treat Festivities at Governor’s Residence

PIERRE, S.D. – Governor Kristi Noem and First Gentleman Bryon Noem will host the annual trick-or-treat festivities at the Governor’s Residence in Pierre on Sunday, Oct. 31 from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. CT.

“We can’t wait to see all the kids in their costumes once again! It may be a bit chilly out, so be sure to dress warmly,” saidGovernor Kristi Noem.

Noem asks children and parents across South Dakota to observe the following Halloween safety tips:

  • Trick-or-treat during daylight hours or take a flashlight if going out after dark;
  • Add reflective tape to costumes and trick-or-treat bags;
  • Make sure vision is clear when wearing masks or other head garb;
  • Adults should accompany young children; unaccompanied children should trick-or-treat in groups; and
  • Inspect candy before consuming; discard anything suspicious.
