Haber claiming Jackley out to get him, despite being prosecuted by Hughes County. And may defend himself.

From the Argus Leader:

A Hughes County grand jury has charged former Attorney General candidate Chad Haber with violating election laws in connection with his wife’s 2014 Senate campaign.

Haber spoke out against the two felony charges in a press conference Monday saying the charges were unfounded and that Attorney General Marty Jackley was out to get him.

Read it here.

Chad called a press conference? For what? To claim it wasn’t his signature on the petition claiming circulation of the petition while he was in the Philippines? Somehow, I don’t think this is something he really wants to spend the money to fight.

But what do they say about people who represent themselves…..? (From KELO):

“When Annette had to go before the board, it was because no lawyer would touch it. It might be one of those cases again where no lawyer will touch this and so then it will be just me,” Haber said.

Haber says when he does appear in court, he won’t be as nice as when his wife took the stand.

Read it here.

Otherwise, despite the press conference, it’s pretty clear that the charges originate from Hughes County, and not the State of SD. Or the Attorney General.  (Which was reiterated when I contacted their office to ask about it, with them noting “this was Hughes County States Attorney.”)

But as for his puffing his chest up with false bravado, and saying “he won’t be as nice as when his wife took the stand….”   Why do I have the feeling his trial is not going to go well for him?

Fool for a client, and all.