16 thoughts on “Hanging out in DC this week…”

  1. Rep Lauren Boebert a true thought leader in the US House with a bright future in leadership.

  2. Anyone notice Goss was hired by Dakota Scout and now all his stories are pro-freedom caucus. It’s really devalued the Dakota Scout.

      1. The scout has really taken a hit in content quality. I was an avid reader and lately I forget to even read it. Goss is extremely arrogant. He has very few legislators who like him and even fewer he hasn’t burned.

        1. Goss will tell you differently hence the reason he prank called Lederman. He mistakes people putting up with him for friendship. I think most people want to like him but it’s hard when he spreads so much intolerance of most elected officials in leadership.

  3. Lauren just barely was re-elecled and she has not drifted to the middle to try to secure support. Maybe she feels the more outrageous she is, the more popular she will become. I don’t understand what she thinks she will gain by calling Marjorie Taylor Green an obscene name.

      1. I mean, his point still stands though. She’s a goner next election cycle.

  4. Yay guns! Yay Chaos! Yay family values – that she apparently doesn’t adhere to!.. That is Boberts platform. What a grift…

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