That was quick.
Ex-Senator Julie Frye Mueller’s buddy Anthony Mirzayants is taking to facebook to attack State Representative Scott Odenbach over Odenbach’s sponsorship of House Bill 1020 establishing education savings accounts.
As noted in the post from Mirzyants…
Scott Odenbach – Your FAKE School Choice Bill is awful. You are completely dropping the ball, and I don’t know why.
Stop. Take a breather. Withdraw your bill.
Let the REAL School Choice champions handle this.
Just a thought.. maybe they can agree to sit on this and work things out.
For at least a few years…
My family and I were rather disappointed that we weren’t invited or included in home school, school choice activities here in Spearfish.
It doesn’t make sense since our home school has done so profoundly well.
I wrote a book about it that could be a very good informative guide for anyone wanting to get really good insights.
We’re not perfect, but it’s pretty grand what we accomplished thus far and we’d hoped for a fair treatment of our progress without attracting various political operations to discredit or ruin our kids.
The social aspects of this problem are the 800 lb gorilla.
Moves toward freedom and control for parents are good.
Moves toward subversive actions to recruit families into various organizations as a precursor to participate in the free market economy is bad.
I’ll leave it there with hopes that somebody reaches out to us to share our insights.
What did we accomplish?
I’m happy to share it .. but you’ll need to find a way to contact me.
John, based on the crap you post the only use that book has as either kindling or a ‘what not-to-do’ cautionary tale.
Oh my GOD this bill is AWFUL.
I agree Dale! We need a REAL School Choice Bill like Baxter’s HB 1009
Anthony how much are getting paid to push this voucher scam? If successful are you off to another state to push this?
Anthony you have asked supporters to contact you at an Austin, Texas area code phone number. Which organization is paying you to push this trainwreck where you advocate having zero regulations? That will go over like a lead balloon with there already being issues with zero regulations with homeschooling in South Dakota that is vulnerable to abuse and neglect.
American Action Fund
It’s another out of state Koch-funded libertarian type group that heavily favors the oligarchy with everyday South Dakota taxpayers, families, their kids being short changed an education and being left on the hook.
This exact same thing is going to happen at the national level.
Karr was attacked by this chubby kid a month ago for putting Crabtree as chair of commerce.
I suspect all of the freedom caucus legislation will find the 41st day if this keeps up.
How is this dangerous? Ok Anthony (insert eye roll).
Fear mongering is the tactic that the far right uses. But what happens when the far right is the leadership? Well then they actually have to govern. And those who don’t govern in the far right, continue to fear monger.
Populists they are… and that means that the new leaders are now considered “part of the institution”. Good luck. God bless.