Haugaard reacts to Noem Budget address. Claims “Sounds a little extravagant,” but offers no alternatives.

South Dakota Public Broadcasting interviewed Republican gubernatorial challenger and State Rep. Steve Haugaard immediately following the Governor’s budget address to give him the opportunity to rebut or offer a counterpoint to the Governor’s budget proposals.

And he really didn’t have much to say.

When asked what his reaction was overall, he replied that “some of the spending sounds a little extravagant to me,” without offering any specifics.   He did mumble something about “tax decreases”  and said they will question if some of these areas are “where it’s appropriate for government to be involved.”  When asked about the 6% across the board to state employees and teachers, he really didn’t express disagreement, or at least any significant disagreement.

I’m kind of surprised. There was lots of notice that this budget address was happening today. Public Broadcasting gave him a gift in the opportunity to show his alternative vision for state government.. and he didn’t have one.

Kind of like when they asked Ted Kennedy why he wanted to be president and he didn’t have an answer.

Consider the ball dropped.

3 thoughts on “Haugaard reacts to Noem Budget address. Claims “Sounds a little extravagant,” but offers no alternatives.”

  1. How about using all that excess money from DC and give a rebate check to evey South Dakotan 18 and over. She has to much money to play with. We will do a better job than Government.

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