HB 1020 voucher bill killed in committee

The second voucher bill, Representative Odenbach’s House Bill 1020, a bill to establish education savings accounts was killed in House education, on a stronger vote than the more expensive HB1009 voucher bill, and was sent to the 41st day on a 9-6 vote after testimony from a broad coalition of opponents including state education interests, school administrators, teachers, parents, the South Dakota Chamber, and the South Dakota Retailers Association.

15 thoughts on “HB 1020 voucher bill killed in committee”

  1. In a surprising turn of events, MAGA has finally decided to LISTEN to the voice of the people! It’s a refreshing reminder that we can unite across divides when real dialogue happens. No divine intervention needed—just accountability and a commitment to the community.
    Let’s keep this momentum going and advocate for policies that prioritize our collective needs.

  2. ODENBACH is a dud !!! Cant even get his own bill passed in the chamber he got elected majority leader in… LOL the crazies cant even pass their bills when they are in leadership…. This sets the tone for the next two years hands down. Odenbach is a joke…

  3. I see Odenbach has submitted HB 1134: make an appropriation benefitting South Dakota
    and HB 1135: provide opportunities for South Dakotans. Unfortunately, I don’t think we are done with this debate just yet.

  4. I guess nobody noticed that the negativity against this voucher bill was highly supported by the NEA National Education Association labor union and the fact is that their biased argument always is about the money. The claims they make are completely false because the real issue should be about the rights of parents to decide where their children are educated and that the money follows the student. The labor union members are afraid someone is stealing their cheese as per usual. I am also an advocate of home schooling and charter schools.

    1. Plenty of public school teachers are Republicans and staunch union members too that see vouchers as what they are being a scam. You already have choice and it is an option that you are financially responsible going beyond the public school system which will always be available plus you as a parent can be active and invested in your children’s education. I have known public school teachers that turned out to be outstanding elected officials and also happened to be Republicans too.

      1. The teachers union represents false information and they do NOT represent student but represent the adults instead. Vouchers are not a scam and can be handled with financial responsibility. School choice is also part of the equation and will not be ignored just as the decline of scholastic achievement is being ignored along with lowering standards of education in general. There are too many retired former teachers on school boards across the US who are the puppets of the teachers union and regarded like the fox guarding the henhouse. Majority Democrat just like the NEA. Follow that money trail.

        1. Where are you getting your information? Again it appears to be false rhetoric from some special interest group perhaps national that is driving an agenda of demonizing public schools than based off of local reality.

          Again I ask the question. Which school district do you belong to? Have you attended public school district meetings? Visited with the board members? Chair? School District business manager? The reason I ask is that the district I attended meetings were lazer focused on the needs of the local school district, communities and partnering with businesses when and where they could. All were Republican school board members but keep in mind these seats are non-partisan. Often times it does not matter what their political affiliation is since there is much common ground on policy decisions which can be administrative. They were far from puppets of the teachers union and there have been times they disagreed with policies and other times agreed. It’s a union with diverse people in there.

          1. I do not need to justify my reasoning to you or anyone else. I believe you need to do better investigative work other than what is the length of your nose.
            I served on two different school district committees for two year terms each and I have seen and experienced more than I anticipated. I have worked on school general fund budgets and been a part of oversight meetings. I have done data research on academic achievement from 2001-2017. I have made several meetings with school district department heads and school superintendents.
            Your basic explanation needs to be “why” the teachers union has the control of propaganda for false accusations against this voucher bill.

            1. You refuse to provide sources for your claims which appears to be far right talking point rhetoric. That is unfortunate.

              1. Your ignorance is showing because the truth is self evident and you should do better being responsible for examining the blatant false statements made by the teachers union. Unfortunate for you. OBTW, I have been independent for many years. Let me know if you want me to give you websites that are also independent and support my position.

  5. Mr. Odenbach’s testimony today speaking about HB1020: “Its supported by the House and Senate Majority leaders, the Speaker of the House, the Senate President Pro Tem, our Governor, our Secretary of Education…” You know what other bill was supported by legislative leadership, SB201 in 2024. You know who one of the driving forces was to refer SB201? Mr. Odenbach. Funny how things change when the shoe is on the other foot.

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