House Bill 1235 vaccination measure defeated 10-2 in committee

House Bill 1035 – what many are calling the anti-vaccination bill – was heard in committee this morning. And it was sent to the 41st day on a vote of 10-2.

Committee Chair Kevin Jensen indicated that maybe they could talk about the vaccination topic in a summer study.

Ummm… please don’t?

84 thoughts on “House Bill 1235 vaccination measure defeated 10-2 in committee”

  1. How many legislators want to waste their time in a summer study listening to people who claim the polio vaccine doesn’t work, the Hep B vaccine made them allergic to toothpaste, and the MMR made their kids flush Hot Wheels down the toilet?
    There’s entertainment value in these testimonies but doesn’t everybody have better things to do over the summer? Like campaign for re-election?

    1. Nick Gauthier was given the Tdap shot and became paralyzed. Richard Leneham, M.D. confirms the vaccine caused Nick’s injury. Want to discuss the girls around the world paralyzed after receiving the Gardasil vaccine? Mocking people who have been injured by a vaccine is disgusting.

      You have an opinion on why Prof. Heidi Larson, PhD stated, at the Global Vaccine Safety Summit (2019), “health professionals on the frontline are starting to question vaccines and the safety of vaccines.”? You didn’t listen to the Summit, did you?

      You mention the doc ‘Pandemic’, have you taken time to watch the documentary ‘Vaxxed’ and soon ‘Vaxxed2’ will be available. I think you’re just uninformed, Anne. You said there was no fetal DNA in vaccines, but Dr. Theresa Deisher’s research proves there is. Do you have research or even a doctor’s name showing something different?

      Here’s some info for your polio claim…
      “Four African countries have reported new cases of polio linked to the oral vaccine, as global health numbers show there are now more children being paralyzed by viruses originating in vaccines than in the wild. In a report late last week, the World Health Organization and partners noted nine new polio cases caused by the vaccine in Nigeria, Congo, Central African Republic and Angola.” – MedicalXpress, Nov. 2019


        The reports of girls “around the world” who were paralyzed after receiving Gardasil is just another classic case of anti-vaccine hysteria. If you don’t want to be ridiculed, don’t be ridiculous.

        A four year study of almost one million girls in Scandinavia showed an inverse correlation with HPV vaccine and paralysis. That means the girls who received the vaccine were LESS likely to become paralyzed than those who did not.
        Disorders such as ALS, MS, & GBS do happen. They just do. It is just as easy to blame them on pizza toppings as vaccines.

        1. To pile on to your points made to this imbecilic fear monger, Anne, Dr. Heidi Larson is not an anti-vaxxer as this person is attempting to intimate through their out of context quote. She is reporting on confidence levels in vaccine safety around the world which, unsurprisingly given the anti-vax hysteria, is decreasing in some areas. She calls these trends “worrying” and is in no way saying vaccines are bad.

          1. For what it’s worth, vaccines are a product that sells base on the fear of disease.

            It is fear mongering product.

            Just thought I’d get that out there.

            1. Right, Vaccines which are scientifically proven to prevent diseases-which have in turn nearly doubled the human lifespan is a “fear-mongering” product.

              Ya know, just like insurance, or fire extinguishers, or pepper spray, or seatbelts.

              Please reflect a moment to realize how moronic that sentiment is.

              1. “scientifically proven to prevent diseases”

                With complete certainty?

                All vaccines?

                Why does the government waive the insurance requirement for vaccines, then?

                Red pill or the blue pill, Neo.

    1. Show me the South Dakota codified law obviating a Summer study when the vote does not surpass a certain threshold. It would be naive to think this issue will just go away. #homeschool

      1. I think what anonymous 12:30 was saying is that a resounding rejection is found in the vote count. Someone could definitely bring the idea to have a summer study, but I think it would meet the same fate as this bill did, rightfully so.

        Vaccines save lives, and the current statutes give leniency to religious beliefs and other exceptions. This bill is bad for students, bad for S.D., and bad for public health.

        1. Vaccine revenus are predicted to be $60,000,000,000 (“B”illion) in 2020.

          While we’re on the topic, I’d like to take a moment to recognize vaccine professionals for their fantastic work in preventing the coronavirus outbreak.

          Wait, what?

          1. Well, the $80 billion you just quoted is a worldwide number, I guess that’s what we can use. $80 billion is also the revenue and not necessarily the profit, that is a huge difference. Given that the pharmaceutical industries saw nearly $800 billion worldwide in PROFITS in 2015, I’d say that $80 billion in revenue wouldn’t be worth it for them. Studies show that it would be more profitable for Big Pharma to get out of the vaccine business all together.

            It’s probably hard for you to hear facts with your aluminum foil cap on…

            1. “aluminum foil cap on”

              Aluminum doesn’t work. I recommend copper mesh.

              “more profitable for Big Pharma to get out of the vaccine business all together”

              Common sense would dictate they should get into hand soap.

          2. So because vaccines don’t prevent all diseases, vaccines are bad. Scintillating logic, John. Really firing on all cylinders.

            1. “because vaccines don’t prevent all diseases”

              Nothing does.

              Nothing prevents all diseases.

              Vaccines don’t “prevent” any diseases.

              If they work, why do we still have MMR? Flu? Polio?

              What prevents disease? Take round-up out of the food chain, wash hands (especially doctors), and eat more fermented foods.

              Additionally, anybody else wonder if the vaccine industry already had the vaccine for coronavirus?

              If I understand the financials of the South Dakota proxy investment community, the fear of this legislation was driven by a fear of losing money in the stock market.



      2. It will go away when an unvaccinated child dies of a preventable disease and his parents are prosecuted for letting it happen.

        1. “unvaccinated child dies of a preventable disease and his parents are prosecuted for letting it happen”

          Wow. Amazing analysis. This should save a lot of people. Great work. *slow clap*

      3. John Dale the Executive Board decides all summer studies after the House puts in requests for them. Actually quite a civil democratic process.

        The top Leadership of both houses Is automatically on the E-Board while others run for that position.

        That said the Prime Sponsor could very well want a summer study but it would cross paths with the will of the Legislature.

        1. Hi Charlie – good information. Thanks!

          It’s an important issue .. a real rabbit hole. Not something one would expect from a simple-to-resolve issue.

  2. This issue comes back once in awhile with term limits and it gets rejected every time.
    I’m sure the issue won’t go away like many hair brained ideas that are repeatedly introduced but that doesn’t mean they will get any further then a beat down in committee! Probably be a couple more years but I’m sure it’ll be back for another rejection.
    If vaccine professionals could have predicted this strain or any other infections disease I’m sure they would also go into lottery number prediction.

    1. It’s almost like vaccine “research” is cover for bioweapons or something, since Vaccine makers don’t have to produce a function product, but still get paid.

      1. It’s almost like you get all your information from the same one or two sources that aren’t supported by any Nationally recognized scientific foundations. People like you have already made up your minds and you’ll go to any length to justify your skewed thought-process despite the overwhelming scientific evidence proving you wrong. Please stop making it OUR problem.

        1. “people like you”

          Are you sure you meant it the way it sounded?

          I see lots of hand waving and relief that this issue wasn’t made into law.

          I think it’s more related to investments and stockholder activism than it is to actual concern for safety.

          If it was about safety, we’d make vaccine manufacturers liable for damages caused by vaccines.

          But “we” do not.

          1. oh right. the committee was owned by big pharma. your laughable windmill-like-twirling to deflect sensible retorts to your provocations, is very entertaining. i hope all the properly vaccinated people who surround you, are able to keep disease from finding you.

    1. “it had a three hour hearing”

      Way to go, anon. That’s all it should take to get to the bottom of the fallibility of vaccine science.

      *slow clap*

      1. Tell us your vaccine-injury story, Mr Dale.
        Mine is that after getting rabies shots I became a magnet for stray cats.

        Did a tetanus shot cause a receding hairline? I’ve heard that happens to a lot of men.

          1. Nick Gauthier is one person who had serious injuries to a vaccine.

            Anne doesn’t get to know about him and others because people on the other side of the debate aren’t allowed to speak here.

            1. If you have information, personal stories, or other information regarding vaccines I would like to share them on my program. Feel free to email me at info at plains tribune dot com.

  3. HOORAY! So glad this awful piece of legislation was defeated in committee! I always have had vaccines and will continue to get them and if I have children they’ll be getting them too. I can’t comprehend why anyone would put their child at risk for diseases that could permanently injure them or kill them.

    1. As long as you read the inserts (not the information sheets) and understanding the risks, you’re doing your job as a parent. Best of luck to you.

    2. Your child is not at risk if they are vaccinated, right? lol. It you listen to Greg Belfrege “Whats your Beef”,Feb. 21st, there were a lot of interesting perspectives on vaccinations.

      1. That’s not true, Tara. No vaccine is 100% effective because some people’s immune systems don’t always make antibodies, leaving them unprotected. There are other people who are receiving therapy for cancer, allergies or autoimmune diseases who depend on herd immunity as well.
        If getting a vaccine could guarantee protection it would be easy to get a shot and go out among other people and not worry about it. But that’s not how it works. Only herd immunity can stop an epidemic.

        1. MIT, PhD Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai explains the reality of the modern immune system. I made it easy for you, copy and search the first sentence and his video on YT pops up. It’s about a 20min video which may possibly provide information you were not aware of.

  4. Anne,

    Glad you mention the immune compromised. I was just with a friend who is getting chemo and he said he is more likely to die from something he catches during this time.

    It is sad to me how any sense of self-sacrifice for the good of others seems to be a lost virtue.

    1. “self-sacrifice for the good of others”

      Forced sacrifice is not self sacrifice.

      The needs of the few outweigh the needs of the many – this is the opposite of socialism in principle, it is not capitalism or free market, but it certainly seems offensive. Discuss.

      Now, let’s talk about how you just admitted that taking vaccines is dangerous (otherwise, what is the sacrifice you refer to?)

      1. That quote has absolutely nothing to do with vaccines. At the end of the day, you’re not allowed to drive drunk because of the chance that you may UNINTENTIONALLY cause an accident. If you want to drive drunk on your own property you can do that all you want.

        I’d say the same for vaccines. Don’t want your kid to be vaccined? Keep him quarantined, locked up in the basement isolated from society. You want your kid to join society? Get him vaccinated or find a new society that doesn’t mind their kids being at risk of catching an already cured illness because their parents were dumba**es.

        1. “parents were dumba**es”

          Waves hands. Insults concerned parents. Declares victory.

          What are you afraid that a Summer study might discover?

      2. I admit nothing as I assert the risks are statistically insignificant especially in context of statistical benefit to the vax-taker.

        You are the one who asserts there is danger which is even you admit is remote. Thus, failing to take that remote risk when it can be deadly to the elderly and otherwise immune compromised (a large segment of our population) is an indication of unwillingness to bear a risk for others.

        1. “failing to take that remote risk when it can be deadly to the elderly and otherwise immune compromised”

          The burden of proof for this is enormous, has not met a reasonable standard of proof. Vaccinations are problematical. Conflicted stock-holder-activist talking points don’t change the fact that vaccinations are problematical.

          That this issue was even being considered by our legislature is comforting.

          Anyone having an interest in vaccine sales should publish a disclosure.

          In the meantime, the issue warrants study.

          The establishment/globalists are standing on a crumbling platform in my view, since all of their nefarious plans are published and telegraphed before hand.

          The coronavirus issue is the latest to be published early. The prediction: Trump is NOT on the problem because those around him are have informed him it’s not a problem. The prediction is that, all at once, it becomes a national emergency and everyone will be forced to take a coronavirus vaccine containing a biomarker compatible with remote 5G biometric identification; the mark of the beast.

          If this prediction is accurate, perhaps this disclosure should be framed and repeated for posterity.

          The man-made, weaponized coronavirus is being touted through patriot channels as a response to nationalism, a way to cover-up China’s infiltration of Taiwan, and a way to stop the inevitable prosecution of the people who brought us the Patriot Act.

          What an amazing time to be alive and paying attention.

          Recommended reading: Hagel’s Philosophy of History.

          Detractors and character assassins may now commence labeling me a conspiracy theorist, besmirching my character, and waiving your hands back and forth after attending their OTO butt-spanking assembly.

          God bless the United States Marine Corps.


          That is all.

          1. Coronavirus as a vehicle to implement the mark of the beast into mankind. You are absolutely fruit loops, bud. At least you recognize how nuts you sound, which is a start. Unfortunately, the dunning kruger effect wont allow you to do anything about it.

            1. I see you’ve cracked a psych 101 book. Congrats! 😀

              “you recognize how nuts you sound”

              I didn’t used to understand how the world works, either.

              You will.

              Nazi Germany happened, even if you weren’t there.

              Mao really did mass murder millions, even though you weren’t there.

              The potential for genocide of the USA is moribund by the intelligence and faith of the founders, and messages sent forward in time through ancient books warning us bout your ideas.

              Life can be so much better for everyone when good guides a man’s actions.

              1. Whenever you go on one of your long winded rants from now on, I will quote that post to let people know what you believe. You are reasonably articulate but are also an absolute loon.

                1. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, you telegraph that you’re going to use a fallacious reasoning tactic to undermine future arguments I might make that you disagree with.

                  Are you sure?

                  Go read up on Satanism and the mark of the beast. You don’t have to believe in god or satan to know that there is good and evil in the world, and that evil is sociopathic, psychotic, and causes suffering.

                  I think you should definitely quote me vociferously to everyone you know. What I’m telling you now is that Christians, in principle, carry the message that can inoculate humanity from a great pending suffering at the hands of loveless sociopaths.

                  1. Me believing that jesus is my savior has nothing to do with conspiracy theories glued together by bubble gum and insanity, John.

                    1. Prominent religious scholars believe that the globalist AI surveillance system (5G being the most difficult piece, the last mile) is the anti-Christ, and that human-biological integrations interacting with that system are the mark of the beast.

                      I’m happy to give you a pointer to the abstraction, and I recommend you fill-in the pieces yourself. Additionally, as a Christian, please accept my thanks for being on the leading-edge of the (age-old) scam to cull humanity and enslave us all.

                    2. Oh gee .. I could be the bell-of-the-ball!

                      This is going to be one of the best political seasons of all time. History of an important inflection point is being written in real-time.

                      Interesting time to be alive, paying attention, and an adult.

            2. I recommend abstracting the patterns.

              “mark of the beast” is any system meant to usurp human freedom, liberty.

              “mark” – self explanatory. Carrying a cell phone marks a person to the system (for the moment). RFID chips under the skin, brain implants, and other such contraptions are sold in the name of freedom, but only delivery slavery.

              Let no man be your god.

        2. Pat and Cory H. are on the same page with this issue.

          We should be very concerned, now, that this alignment has created a rip in the space-time continuum over Pierre.

          The tear is not that large, thankfully, so we can use the cumulative thoughtfulness of the Noem administration to plug it.

    1. Correct…all these non-practicing “physicians” and “scientists” come out of the wood work with the studies by random, non-credentialed internet bloggers. I’ll stick with listening to the real experts.

        1. and you’re nothing but a keyboard warrior who peddles conspiracy theories constantly because you’re either retired and don’t have enough to do to keep you busy or you’ve sniffed too many fumes from the Hubble-craft landing near the lake Tara was dumping chemicals into.

  5. If you have information, personal stories, or other information regarding vaccines…

    Dr. Theresa Deisher, PhD research confirms human fetal DNA fragments in vaccines: MMR, chicken pox, Polio, Zostavax, Hep A and one Rabies.

    Dr. David Brownstein, MD explains the falsehood in “measles amnesia”

    Toby Rogers, PhD, MPP research shows the top 5 Autism triggers.

    Dr. William Thompson, once a top senior scientist at the CDC, blew the whistle about information being hidden by the CDC and is featured in the doc Vaxxed.

    Dr. Stanley Plotkin, MD confirms a double blind placebo study should be conducted before a vaccine is licensed. Unfortunately, these studies are not happening.

    I’ve most recently followed the thousands of NJ residents who protested to stop a bill aimed at removing religious exemptions for students in public school – the bill did not pass. It was a sight to see, very bipartisan.

  6. Vaccines are nothing but toxic poison darts which the FDA, HHS, CDC make HUGE bank on at the expense of our health.

    And for anyone claiming “but we are living longer” it doesnt matter when we are living with more diseases and illnesses than ever.

      1. Troy – this is very globalist, CIA type talk.

        You are an anti-conspiracy-theorist and therefore shouldn’t be taken seriously.

        Whenever I see someone trying to use that pre Bush Sr. era hand waiving, I always think of stuff like this:

        Oooooooohhhhh .. it’s magic. Make the truth go away by waiving hands, referring to tin foil, and invoking the conspiracy theorist spell.


        It’s time to stop pretending.

        1. Speaking of “shouldn’t be taken seriously,” lest anyone forget a thing John actually wrote:

          “The coronavirus issue is the latest to be published early. The prediction: Trump is NOT on the problem because those around him are have informed him it’s not a problem. The prediction is that, all at once, it becomes a national emergency and everyone will be forced to take a coronavirus vaccine containing a biomarker compatible with remote 5G biometric identification; the mark of the beast.”

          He actually believes this.

          1. “He actually believes this”

            This comment is a disingenuous turd.

            Prove it.

            Prove that a prediction I shared is my conviction.

            I’ll wait.

            1. Wait, wait. Do you often make predictions you don’t believe will come to pass even though you say they will?

              Coming across a bit disingenuous here, John. They are your words, quoted directly.

              1. Listen-up, Christians .. search “AI Mark of the beast anti-Christ”.

                WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!

                How long until you deny believing this post too, John?

  7. the vaccination series of four or five carefully scheduled shots that kids get now in the first two years of life, are supremely important, as are the boosters they will get later, and the special inoculations to respond to flu and the like. spend an hour talking to a trained medical doctor about how modern shots are prepared, the many things they protect against, and the safety of getting them, and you will wish you had back all of the time you gave to listening seriously to anti-vaxxer arguments.

  8. Hey, John, you still looking for more information about the dangers and lies about vaccines? Recently a non-profit group sued for information concerning the studies showing vaccines do not cause autism. They won. The information they were given included the studies conducted. How many studies were conducted… 20, only 20 and a couple were just reviews. I thought there were mountains of studies conducted?
    Do you think there’s a study that includes a group of people who haven’t received vaccines? You know that placebo group? No, there was not.

    I’d email you the site and group name, but I couldn’t find a place to comment on your site?

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